05-01-2016, 20:12
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
I think we are all on the same page here, where I've seen a problem over the years is people using information like above as an excuse or a crutch, rather than stop putting carbs in their mouths. It doesn't take away from the information, but give people an out and they'll take it. I also agree that the government healthy guide lines are questioable, but their is also huge amounts of information out there now regarding dietary advice that is on the money, if one looks! The Paleo movement is huge even to the point that there are Paleo cafes and restraunts, I think there is even Paleo home delivery.
We as humans adapt (change) to our environment , not always for the better, we've created such things as "Metobolic syndrome" by changing ( food choices) the environment we live in. There we're no over weight POW's in World War ll. As much as the world wants to complicate the what goes on your mouth issue, at the end of the day it is actually very simple.
I just took a photography of a Pelican, it was perfect ,not overweight at all, and it certainly wasn't sitting there reading a book on weight loss! It just does what it does naturally.
I do agree that in an environment where we are surrounded by temptation, it is tuff, but ultimately it comes down to priorities and desire. Ive also seen people have major heart attacks , change their behavior for several weeks afterwards only to go back to the behaviour that nearly killed them. Our heads are the biggest problem.
Cheers Dale.
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05-01-2016, 20:34
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Btw I had a girl on the boat last year that had a friend that was a "Breathtarian"
One thing I learnt from all the years of dealing with people attempting to lose weight is"there is no limit to a human beings ability to delude themselves" we will believe what we need to in order to avoid pain or reinforce our identity, I think this is unique to our modern species as there's no direct correction feedback mechanism! Another consequence of comfort and affluence.
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05-01-2016, 20:52
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Originally Posted by daletournier
Btw I had a girl on the boat last year that had a friend that was a "Breathtarian"
I read about one of those people and then read later he had starved to death. 
In 2014 I was hitting the gym pretty regularly but not loosing weight but I was loosing fat based on my shrinking waist. The same year we went to China for a week and the wife and I lost quite a few pounds which was puzzling to us.
We did a fair amount of walking but I think I was burning more calories in the gym than by walking on the trip. Calorie wise, I think I was eating about the same in China vs home. I had less calories for breakfast in China but I would eat a much bigger lunch and dinner. The only major difference I can see with diet is that I might have had one less beer per day in China than at home. Maybe.
So why the weight loss?
I was burning less calories in China and most likely eating the same number of calories. The only difference we could figure out is that the food in China was not as processed and thus had much less sugar. The food certainly had less salt! Having said that, I eat fairly little "processed" foods but given how much sugar is used in things like ketchup I suspect it adds up.
We did not each much rice, if any, but we did eat a fair amount of noodles/pasta at lunch. I suspect that those noodles were whole grain and might have made a big difference...
I did Atkins years ago and lost quite a few pounds but I had not modified my diet BEFORE loosing the weight so I gained much of it back.  Now my weight is stable for the most part, though I think I gained weight over the holidays since it was raining constantly and prevented me from working outside.  Catching up on the work now though..  Sad thing is I was not eating that much during the holidays either.
05-01-2016, 21:20
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Fructose, Dan, maybe.
Chinese don't use much of it but America floats on it.
In that line you mentioned about ketchup having a lot of sugar - it does: about a teaspoon per tablespoon, but its not sugar per say, its High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Coke in the USA is made with HFCS too, but not in some other parts of the world.
Chinese don't eat as much fruit.
They don't have much deserts, or not as much as us.
So if you were mainly eating in restaurants where food is prepared fresh as opposed to a standard American diet I wonder what other diferences there were too.
05-01-2016, 22:31
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
My BF and I have been low carb for about 2 years now. Low carb -high fat to be precise. I lost 40 lbs, lowered my blood pressure ( which was not high ) and my BF improved his cholesterol from high to normal/healthy. Sorry I don't have those numbers available.
The past holiday season we dinner with my family quite a bit and I loosened my carb limits. I gained 10 lbs. And that was on fruit and white potatoes! Not cake or candy.
I'm seriously a bit worried about cruising full time. Will I be able to keep up with my diet? I sure feel better when I keep low carb!
As for China, I suspect the problem is the western sugar (hfcs) additive problem too. The monster stuff is everywhere! I have found sugar in just about every packaged food around! Sugar in onion soup, sugar in bread and other nonsensical places. Sugar in veggie mixes.
But our friends and family are sneaky too. I caught our friend Ginny lacing her deviled eggs with sugar. Eeeewwwwww. And she loves us!
Oh and Mark is right to make the disinclined between HFCS and sugar. Even though I use sugar in the generic, HFCS is quite different and is metabolized differently. No energy in it, it just goes straight to fat stores. At least actual sugar converts to "instant" energy. But neither are good for you at the levels westerners consume.
06-01-2016, 03:52
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Originally Posted by Jdege
IMO, that's largely because every time they decide they have a problem and try to get healthier, the advice they get is almost exactly wrong.
Don't misunderstand me, the low-fat, high-carb approach does work for a good many people. But our current obesity epidemic is driven by metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, and for that carbohydrate restriction is the only solution.
Yeah… well, I note how few people walk anywhere, how few take the stairs, how few carry anything any distance… and how few realise that these simple things burn far more on average than going to any gym will do, because if you just do them, they will of necessity be sustained and prolonged activities.
1. People eat too much sugars etc.
2. People are lazy. (Physically lazy and don't bother cooking for themselves).
3. People lie to themselves.
4. Food corporations like to help people lie to themselves.
‘Structural engineering is the art of modeling materials we do not wholly understand into shapes we cannot precisely analyse as to withstand forces we cannot properly assess in such a way that the public at large has no reason to suspect the extent of our ignorance.’
06-01-2016, 05:03
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
As noted, walking is underrated. An acquaintance of mine, literally an old sea captain, and as hard-drinking a sailor as they come, had also become obese. He lived aboard a Vega with his cat. It became too difficult on the hook, so he wrangled a new section 8 apartment, foodstamps, an Obamaphone and swallowed the anchor. After an ugly, drunken accident on his bike he began to walk everywhere. He walked off a whole person weight wise in about a year. Interesting guy. Did what he had to do. Still doing it 5 years later. On foot.
The other side of the coin is the fattie who chooses to be fat rather than make an effort. All those diets and books and broken dreams. And they do it to themselves one forkful at a time. Clothes don't fit. Face becomes someone else. Stride turns to waddle.
Wow. "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."
06-01-2016, 05:15
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Originally Posted by Sea Dreaming
I'm seriously a bit worried about cruising full time. Will I be able to keep up with my diet?
But our friends and family are sneaky too. I caught our friend Ginny lacing her deviled eggs with sugar. Eeeewwwwww. And she loves us!
Why would someone put sugar in deviled eggs anyway? And once on LCHF the sugar can be tasted and its revolting.
As for cruising, it's easy. Just make sure you have a good freezer and the power to run it.
I have a Dometic 25 litre and its big enough for a pretty long passage.
All the islands have meat but sometimes a bit of searching for specialty items: pork belly is often only available at Chinese operated supermarkets - but that was the same in Manhattan!
06-01-2016, 05:50
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Originally Posted by Blue Crab
It became too difficult on the hook,
Pretty much exactly the thread title: too fat to sail. Too fat to even live on a boat.
While exercise is Important, and I go to the gym every day, science is showing exercise ain't cutting the flab. I go to the gym because at our age maintenance of lean muscle mass is Important. But it won't cut the obesity epidemic.
But enough of me... here's an article from the Washington Post
Stanford University researcher Sanjay Basu recently led an analysis of 175 countries that evaluated the amount of sugar in each nation’s food supply. As sugar availability increased by 150 calories per person per day (the equivalent of a can of cola), there was a 1.1 percent rise in the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in the population — an increase that was 11 times larger than if people consumed 150 more calories from nonsugar sources — independent of average body mass index and physical activity levels.
06-01-2016, 06:42
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
For people who must have that FULL sensation at meals, I imagine you can eat veggies til you pop and be ok. Not going to be as "good" as a pile of ribs but once you're full, what's the difference? Mind, we hear that a change maintained for 3 or 4 weeks becomes the new normal.
Live to eat or eat to live? It really is a choice in my opinion. Forkful after forkful. And it kinda looks like my dumbass opinion is just as valid as all the current scientific studies that will likely be invalidated when the next batch of studies comes out.
06-01-2016, 06:49
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Originally Posted by Blue Crab
Not going to be as "good" as a pile of ribs
Well, why not have the pile of ribs? Much better for you as long as the sauce isn't full of sugar.
06-01-2016, 06:59
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Scientists have been looking at remains of mummies and have determined that humans had heart and artery problems a long time before processed foods.
Ancient Mummies Prove Heart Disease Is as Old as We Are
We've been living outside the USA for over ten years now, and make at least a trip or two back every year. We are amazed at how fat Americans are quickly getting. Not that we're svelte Calvin Klein models ourselves, but at least we're just on the chubby side and not clinically obese. My 90 year old father (who still rides his bike an hour a day) says he sits outside at WalMart in Texas while my mom shops. He makes a game out of counting a hundred people, and seeing what percentage of them are obese. His observations are that when he was in his late 70's and started this, he observed about 30% of Walmart shoppers in one store in Cypress Texas as being probably 'obese'.
In a little over ten years, that number has gotten up to about 50%, according to his observations.
My question here is....do you think my dad needs new glasses?
he shot a 9 pt. buck on opening day this year from 80 yards, so I haven't worried about his eyesight much. Is it possibly 50% of American WalMart shoppers in Texas are, in fact, obese?
06-01-2016, 07:14
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Originally Posted by MarkJ
Well, why not have the pile of ribs? Much better for you as long as the sauce isn't full of sugar.
I guess I haven't fully bought into the Primal idea. I've figured that the Hunter/Gatherers were Gatherers long before they became Hunters.
06-01-2016, 07:39
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Originally Posted by Canibul
he observed about 30% of Walmart shoppers in one store in Cypress Texas as being probably 'obese'.
In a little over ten years, that number has gotten up to about 50%, according to his observations.
My question here is....do you think my dad needs new glasses?
No, I reckon the old bloke is spot on.
Texas has an obesity rate over 30%, and lower socio-economic groups are more obese, Wal-Mart shoppers are not usually the highest socio-economic group.
So yes a Wal-Mart obesity rate of 50% could well be exactamondo.
Tell your Dad he is reflecting stats very closely!
researchers found that activities such as reading, attending cultural events, and going to the movies were associated just as much as exercise was with a lower BMI. On the other hand, people who participated in activities such as watching TV, attending sporting events, and shopping had higher BMI.
06-01-2016, 10:25
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail
Originally Posted by Canibul
Scientists have been looking at remains of mummies and have determined that humans had heart and artery problems a long time before processed foods.
Ancient Mummies Prove Heart Disease Is as Old as We Are
We've been living outside the USA for over ten years now, and make at least a trip or two back every year. We are amazed at how fat Americans are quickly getting. Not that we're svelte Calvin Klein models ourselves, but at least we're just on the chubby side and not clinically obese. My 90 year old father (who still rides his bike an hour a day) says he sits outside at WalMart in Texas while my mom shops. He makes a game out of counting a hundred people, and seeing what percentage of them are obese. His observations are that when he was in his late 70's and started this, he observed about 30% of Walmart shoppers in one store in Cypress Texas as being probably 'obese'.
In a little over ten years, that number has gotten up to about 50%, according to his observations.
My question here is....do you think my dad needs new glasses?
he shot a 9 pt. buck on opening day this year from 80 yards, so I haven't worried about his eyesight much. Is it possibly 50% of American WalMart shoppers in Texas are, in fact, obese?
Like MarkJ said.
Your Dad is probably in a medium income area. Take a trip to a low income, highly populated neighbourhood and find the biggest shopping mall - that's where you find the biggest proportion of waddlers. Near 70% I observed once in Atlanta. Then go to the other extreme, say a mall in Aspen. Maybe 10%.
Weird that. A healthy diet can actually be cheap, yet the more prosperous are eating the cheap veg, lentils, rice and fruit rather than the Big Mac, large fries, super sized full sugar soda with a Twinkie desert.
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