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Old 05-01-2016, 15:46   #76
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

The thing that strikes me most when I come home to Australia is , the population keeps getting fatter and tattoos have become viral ( that's another topic). But in all honesty I don't think the western crusier can be held up as a poster child of slimness either! Now please don't get me wrong because I know I'm a hypocrite, I cruise on the money obtained from selling exercise yet don't exercise enough (move) myself! I'm healthier in some ways as the cruising life has alot less stress than dealing with the egos of 1500 gym members but fitness wise.....ummm lets just use the word hypocrite again. My personal opinion is you don't have to flog your body, in fact all my physical complaints today come from injuries from doing exactly that ,abusing my body in the past with crazy exercise under the banner of fitness. I own a traditional gym and a Crossfit center. The things I see done there ( and have done myself) would be reported to the authorities if it was done to an animal. In saying that most people that go to gyms dont abuse themselves and gyms play an important role in helping society move more.
Incidental movement combined with basic foods, stuff that you get out of the ground, grows on trees, wildlife and dosent come in a plastic bag or rapper! Moving often, keeping yourself busy rather than what our life style encourages ie. sitting or lieing around. Its really not rocket science although when I was at uni doing exercise science one could be forgiven to believe that it is! The problem isn't a lack of knowledge, every wild animal in the world gets it right, its more a product of our affluence, we eat crap and don't move because we can!
Another observation is in general women look after themselves better than men as they are aging, not all, but 73% of members at my facility are women! Average age 44.
As already mentioned I do believe through observation that cutting sugars and grains from the diet is the most effective thing you can do. Also as far as cruising goes walking is the ticket, we have time and spend much more time anchored than sailing, a couple of hours walking a day can change your life, really simple. Apparently our ancestors walked 10-20 km per day as part of day to day life.
I listened to this summer time back, may interest some

Cheers Dale.
Ps. I only had one bit of toast this morning due to this

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Old 05-01-2016, 16:00   #77
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by daletournier View Post
the population keeps getting fatter
IMO, that's largely because every time they decide they have a problem and try to get healthier, the advice they get is almost exactly wrong.

Don't misunderstand me, the low-fat, high-carb approach does work for a good many people. But our current obesity epidemic is driven by metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, and for that carbohydrate restriction is the only solution.
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Old 05-01-2016, 16:31   #78
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Hi Jdege, I believe your right and your wrong. I agree with your solution but I don't agree with "people are getting the wrong advise" is necessarily the complete reason. In my former life I have trained and supplied nutritional advice to literally 1000's of people. My conclusions are this.
Out of every 10 people I trained, (and I often trained groups of 10 over a 12 week period while monitoring results) 2 would get outstanding results, they become your pin up , look what I can do clients, then you would get two that would completely drop out using a variety of excuses, the remaining 6 would get results on a sliding scale ranging from not so good to pretty good. I found this over and over again. Now here's the thing, the results weren't a product of genetics or lack of information, they were always a reflection of desire , the people that wanted to get in better shape the most did, the ones that did but aren't willing to pay the cost didn't.
There's no lack of right information out there, there's a lack of action.
Metobolic syndrome etc are real, but ive heard the metabolic sydrome, thyroid problem, my families genetics crap way to much , when most often it really comes down to"I like my life style to much and won't change"
But we are on the end page.
Cheers Dale.

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Old 05-01-2016, 17:09   #79
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

When you're seeing people you haven't seen in awhile, wear clothes a few sizes too big. They'll think you lost weight.

This works very well at class reunions.
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Old 05-01-2016, 17:27   #80
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by Jdege View Post
But our current obesity epidemic is driven by metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, and for that carbohydrate restriction is the only solution.

I agree.

And of all diets in the world that work for boys is the "shove that big juicy steak down your throat and add eggs if you're still hungry" (LCHF)

That's made me lose 30 pounds to where I am now 'ideal weight', 'normal BMI', my blood sugar went down from 'pre-diabetic' to normal, etc, etc.

And I still drink beer. Lots of it
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Old 05-01-2016, 18:09   #81
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by Jdege View Post
IMO, that's largely because every time they decide they have a problem and try to get healthier, the advice they get is almost exactly wrong.

Don't misunderstand me, the low-fat, high-carb approach does work for a good many people. But our current obesity epidemic is driven by metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance, and for that carbohydrate restriction is the only solution.
Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are primarily results, not drivers of the obesity epidemic.
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Old 05-01-2016, 18:34   #82
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by daletournier View Post
Hi Jdege, I believe your right and your wrong. I agree with your solution but I don't agree with "people are getting the wrong advise" is necessarily the complete reason. In my former life I have trained and supplied nutritional advice to literally 1000's of people. My conclusions are this.
Out of every 10 people I trained, (and I often trained groups of 10 over a 12 week period while monitoring results) 2 would get outstanding results, they become your pin up , look what I can do clients, then you would get two that would completely drop out using a variety of excuses, the remaining 6 would get results on a sliding scale ranging from not so good to pretty good. I found this over and over again. Now here's the thing, the results weren't a product of genetics or lack of information, they were always a reflection of desire , the people that wanted to get in better shape the most did, the ones that did but aren't willing to pay the cost didn't.
Did you never consider the possibility that people responded differently because people are different?
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Old 05-01-2016, 18:37   #83
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by StuM View Post
Metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are primarily results, not drivers of the obesity epidemic.
That has certainly been repeated, but there's been little actual research on the question, until recently. The research that has been done suggests that the metallic disorder precedes the weight gain.

Research News: Metabolic Syndrome: Don't Blame the Belly Fat | Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
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Old 05-01-2016, 19:05   #84
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by Jdege View Post
Did you never consider the possibility that people responded differently because people are different?
Absolutely, but not that much. Regardless of genentics we will all get sunburnt if we spend long enough in the sun, even a black man will burn, not as fast as the englishman , but he will still react to the same stimulus.
There are the rare cases where physical problems may get in the way of weight loss but the key word is RARE. I agree with StuM these disorders are a result of behaviour not the driver, and when I say behaviour I mean what we put in our mouth. The more we talk about metobolic disorder and the likes in the context of "that's the reason I'm over weight" the more we give people a way out of taking responsibility for their health and weight. Its in our nature to palm responsibility of on to others or something else.
This is just my opinion.
Cheers Dale.

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Old 05-01-2016, 19:05   #85
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by Jdege View Post
The research that has been done suggests that the metallic disorder precedes the weight gain.

Research News: Metabolic Syndrome: Don't Blame the Belly Fat | Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
Good article.

There's also so.e new research that said it might precede diabetes (T2) by 24 years.
So of you stuff your kids with carbs you are making many of them insulin resistant.

From the article in the previous post:

In the insulin resistant subjects, the energy obtained from their carbohydrate rich meals was rerouted to liver triglyceride production, elevating triglycerides in the blood by as much as 60 percent and lowering HDL cholesterol (the “good cholesterol”) by 20 percent. "In contrast to the young, lean, insulin-sensitive subjects, who stored most of their ingested energy as liver and muscle glycogen, the young, lean, insulin-resistant subjects had a marked defect in muscle glycogen synthesis and diverted much more of their ingested carbohydrate into liver fat production,”
So, yes, people are different in that some can tolerate more carbs than others... but at our age, in our society, we have all been eating too much of them. Now, where's my Ice Cream.
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Old 05-01-2016, 19:23   #86
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Strange, but here in PNG the only people that suffer from metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance seem to be the urban affluent minority who have adopted all the bad aspects of the western lifestyle. And it is becoming a big problem.

Meanwhile their relatives back in the village are still doing fine.
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Old 05-01-2016, 19:30   #87
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by daletournier View Post
Absolutely, but not that much. Regardless of genentics we will all get sunburnt if we spend long enough in the sun, even a black man will burn, not as fast as the englishman , but he will still react to the same stimulus.
There are the rare cases where physical problems may get in the way of weight loss but the key word is RARE. I agree with StuM these disorders are a result of behaviour not the driver, and when I say behaviour I mean what we put in our mouth. The more we talk about metobolic disorder and the likes in the context of "that's the reason I'm over weight" the more we give people a way out of taking responsibility for their health and weight. Its in our nature to palm responsibility of on to others or something else.
This is just my opinion.
Cheers Dale.

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I read an account of a study in which they put a group of overweight, middle-aged women in a metabolic ward, adjusted their diets until they were weight stable, then put them on a treadmill until they had burned 1000 calories every day. By the theory, they should have list two pounds per week.

One third of the women did, one third list less, and one third list nothing at all.

Remember, this is a metabolic ward study, in which everything they are and everything they did was monitored and controlled. Despite a 1000 calorie/day deficit, one third of the women lost no weight at all.

The authors concluded that they must have been less active during the periods when they weren't exercising, using a tone that insinuated that they're lazy docs. It's true that they must have been less active, but it's a mistake to consider this voluntary.

There seems to be a preconception that if you exercise more, you're going to burn stored body fat. In a lot of people, this is demonstrably not true. Many people in the presence of a calorie deficit will see their metabolism slow down, their energy levels decrease, their body temperatures decline, and they will see their body consuming their muscle tissue and even their internal organs, rather than see their fat stores reduced. So long as they are eating enough carbs to keep their insulin levels up.

For these people, carbohydrate restriction is the only thing that works. And our official dietary advice of low-calorie, low-fat, high-carb, eat less, exercise more, is pretty close to the worst thing they can do.

From the article above:

People are different.
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Old 05-01-2016, 19:32   #88
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Of course, Stu. No traditional people living traditionally are obese.

That's the sad thing about it, particularly in Australia. Its hard to make people live like its the 1950s when obesity wasn't a factor.

But I am sure that the food manufacturers will begin to take the point (some like,Coke must or they will go broke) and provide good tasting easy but good food. It can be done.
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Old 05-01-2016, 19:37   #89
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by StuM View Post
Strange, but here in PNG the only people that suffer from metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance seem to be the urban affluent minority who have adopted all the bad aspects of the western lifestyle. And it is becoming a big problem.

Meanwhile their relatives back in the village are still doing fine.
That's been true in many parts of the world, for a very long time. Traditional diets from around the work very in many respects, but they are far healthier than modern processed crap.
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Old 05-01-2016, 19:45   #90
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Re: Getting Too Fat to Sail

Originally Posted by MarkJ View Post
Of course, Stu. No traditional people living traditionally are obese.

That's the sad thing about it, particularly in Australia. Its hard to make people live like its the 1950s when obesity wasn't a factor.

But I am sure that the food manufacturers will begin to take the point (some like,Coke must or they will go broke) and provide good tasting easy but good food. It can be done.
Yep, lots of references for US, UK et al similar to this one:
Cigarettes and junk food dominate supermarket sales growth

"When cigarette sales are stripped out, seven of the top 10 branded products sold in Australia are different package sizes of Coca-Cola, the most popular being a 24-can "slab" of Coke, followed in second place by a 30-can package."

The part that surprised me was that tobacco products still rank at the top!
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