Yea, we have always encouraged and supported inovation here
I just watched Tucker
THere is a certain segment of the US population that would find a bidet appealing, but there is something in our culture that drives us to stick with our own cultural traditions. That does not mean that our way is better, or even that we think it is better, just that it is our way.
Really this is all a moot point, as a bidet in a
boat is impractical. Too much
water, and too much electricity.
THese are the same reasons that I would have concerns about an
electric head on a cruising
boat. THe whole idea of system design on a cruising boat is to make those systems as independant as possible, so if one thing fails, it does not disable the other systems. A manual
head is not dependant on the
electrical system, so even if you were to have a failure in that system, the head would still
work. May seem insignificant, but if you have
lost the house bank, things are probably going to be pretty stressful, and sanitation is one of those comfort items that could really add to the discomfort if it was not working.