Crossing the Pacific from one tropical place to another. (Forget where) It was the middle of the night, I was offwatch and sleeping, Julie was on
deck and we were sailing along. The
wind let up and we slowed down to about 2 kn. The change in conditions woke me up or was it the -Whap!- on the side of the
hull? Our boat is a light cored boat with very little
interior so anyhting that touches the
hull or
deck resonates pretty loudly inside. I'm laying there thinking "What the heck was.." -Whap!- again. Then again. Julie, on deck, calls down to me "Check this out, the dolphins are swimming up and whacking the side off the boat!". I guess they were trying to get us moving again.
The most annoying was in
Mexico where a
school of Jack Cravell(sp?) attempted to commit suicide swimming into our prop. We'd just motored into an anchorage (Tenicatita) and it was thump bump chop! I shut down the
motor and looked over the side. Fish circling the boat.. Kick it back into
gear and zom! They all swim back under the boat and into the prop. And I'm talking a lot of fish! Off the transom it was solid fishbacks! Wierd.
-jim lee