A Good Mono is between 20 and 50 Grand, Second hand,
A Good Cat starts at about 100 Grand, Second Hand,
Thats the answer in a nutshell for the Die Hards and Purists,
There is a place for both, With out doubt,
Its what you can afford at the time, and what suits your purpose,
Most people on Mono's are there purely because they cant afford a Cat,
Thats reality, Not a put down, I could have bought 7 good Mono's for what I paid for my one little
Catamaran, But none of them would do what I want to do, So a Mono was out of the question,
If your permanently tied to a Marina, 3 Tractor tyres and a sheet of ply and a tent will suffice, 3 Tyres in case one goes flat,
And the most important part, An
internet connection to run down and Flame any one that actually gets off their Bum and
sails away across the wide blue yonder,
That Crazy Fool has actually untied himself from the
Dock, Hit the big red button Folks,
Once a Mono huller goes to Multi hulls, The advantages are evident to them, and they will not go back to Mono's,
Or very few will go back to a Mono. Then its just a Personal Preference,