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Old 21-03-2017, 14:16   #61
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Re: CrowdFunding

Originally Posted by Sandero View Post
............. Or you can .... be born to a rich family.
I like this option. How do I set it up?
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Old 21-03-2017, 14:32   #62
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Re: CrowdFunding

Originally Posted by 44'cruisingcat View Post
I like this option. How do I set it up?
hahahahahahaha... time machine?
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Old 21-03-2017, 15:25   #63
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Re: CrowdFunding

I think crowdfunding, to cover ones cruising expenses, is like begging. I do not find begging quite as noble as working.

Why can't you / do you not want to / work?

Funding is a market like any and you WILL be competing. You may be competing against people who collect money for an expensive therapy or for some other actually pressing and not otherwise fund-able reason.

There are so many people around that actually cannot fund their essential or accidental needs by working that I think asking others to fund your fun verges on unethical.

To each their own. Go try maybe it will work for you. But I am not giving YOU a dime.

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Old 21-03-2017, 15:49   #64
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Re: CrowdFunding

It seems that people need to clarify what they are referring to when they are talking about crowd funding. In most cases there is some sort of product being offered but sometimes it is simply asking for help to meet a goal. An obvious noble goal is something like cancer treatment but something like trying to raise money to race doesn't seem wrong to me and is common everywhere. I buy chocolate covered almonds at an outrageous price with the justification being that the money is going towards purchasing some kid's sport team uniform. I should probably just give them the money outright, and save me the calories.

From what I read most of us here aren't likely to financially support somebody's cruising dreams simply out of good will. Some of us will indirectly support other's cruising when we get entertainment in return. Some of us are too blind to see the difference. Most of us will offer up advice, especially to those who are trying to help themselves.
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Old 21-03-2017, 16:42   #65
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Originally Posted by scotiansailor View Post
Hi All,

I'm wondering what people think of the use of crowdfunding to finance their sailing adventures. I have started to consider using something like gofundme to help offset some of my travel, food, gear costs, etc.. My biggest overall thing for this summer is some offshore racing on the West Coast (SoCal 300 and TransPac) and I'm from the East Coast.

Try a smaller crowd..??
Ask your relatives/friends.. Mom, Dad, Aunts etc etc..

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Old 21-03-2017, 18:19   #66
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Re: CrowdFunding

Originally Posted by scotiansailor View Post
Hi All,

I'm wondering what people think of the use of crowdfunding to finance their sailing adventures. I have started to consider using something like gofundme to help offset some of my travel, food, gear costs, etc.. My biggest overall thing for this summer is some offshore racing on the West Coast (SoCal 300 and TransPac) and I'm from the East Coast.

My first thought is that you have no pride. What ever happened to working and earning the things you want? Internet funding schemes are nothing more than the modern day equivalent of standing on a street corner holding a sign and a tin cup.

Perhaps the government should buy everybody a boat and food (oh wait, in some cases they already do that).

If you really think that someone else should be responsible for paying for your fun, why don't you see if you can find a corporate sponsor? Put their decals on your boat or something.

The money I earn goes to pay for my boating expenses. Anything extra goes to a real charity that helps people less fortunate than me. Children with serious medical problems for example.
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Old 21-03-2017, 18:36   #67
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Re: CrowdFunding

Originally Posted by scotiansailor View Post
..........I am a student, I also work 35 hours/week, pay rent etc... I'm not looking for people to pay my way, just to reduce the burden on me. ...............
It is disturbing to me that someone who is a student (I assume post high school) has been raised to think the world owes him something just for being born.

A large part of the world's population has things much harder than you. You have a job and you are getting an education. Much of the world's population has no education and no job. I'll bet I know who you voted for in the last election.

Your lesson for the day is (and you should already have known this at your age) is, nobody likes a freeloader.

You have gotten a few suggestions on how you can boat for free or at low cost. I'll add that you could enlist in the Coast Guard.

Other than that, get your education, get your job and save up for a boat of your very own. The way most of us did it. You'll be happier in the long run even though you don't understand it now.
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Old 21-03-2017, 18:49   #68
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Re: CrowdFunding

I've worked hard at becoming filthy, stinking rich. You can do it too!

Well, two out of three ain't bad in my books.

Where do I sign up for this crowd funding stuff? Sounds like no downside to me.

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Old 21-03-2017, 18:51   #69
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Re: CrowdFunding

Originally Posted by rwidman View Post
It is disturbing to me that someone who is a student (I assume post high school) has been raised to think the world owes him something just for being born.

A large part of the world's population has things much harder than you. You have a job and you are getting an education. Much of the world's population has no education and no job. I'll bet I know who you voted for in the last election.

Your lesson for the day is (and you should already have known this at your age) is, nobody likes a freeloader.

You have gotten a few suggestions on how you can boat for free or at low cost. I'll add that you could enlist in the Coast Guard.

Other than that, get your education, get your job and save up for a boat of your very own. The way most of us did it. You'll be happier in the long run even though you don't understand it now.
I disagree. I think the crowdfunding campaign should be started so he can realize his dreams quicker if he is that passionate about it. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't, but why not try all avenues? Maybe he is creative enough to make a go of it via videos and be supported by a generation that understands his passion? Maybe he has something else to offer? Heck, I'd probably donate something just to spite the naysayers and negative attitudes on here.
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Old 21-03-2017, 19:02   #70
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Re: CrowdFunding

I'd like to run a profitable Vlog like Vagabond etc, but I'm not as young or good looking as those guys.

Can I get crowdfunded for some cosmetic surgery?
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Old 21-03-2017, 19:45   #71
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Re: CrowdFunding

Don't listen to all these old naysayers scotiansailor. Forget crowdfunding, I'll personally be more than happy to fund your racing and cruising dreams. What assets do you have? Your dreams can become a realization faster than getting a job. At a mere 18% loan. Do you own your home outright? What is the number you are looking for, $20K, 30K, 50K? A simple parental co-signature assigning their assets to me is all it takes. For a simple 7% more we can stretch minimum payments another two years. To start living the dream please send the 2.8K non-refundable application fee. Just think how envious your friends will be when they see you living high on the hog. Oh, 1,5K closing costs and points to be paid at time of application. Just think of the cool breezes, clear blue waters, and fun in the sun days that are just a signature away. Lawyer review fees are subject to change but usually will not exceed 3K (by much). Also the twenty year future 3% paycheck assessment is a minor detail no one really worries about. The waves lapping at you fiberglass steed will give you that sense of freedom, adventure, and self reliance, others can only dream about and look at in awe. Our monthly bank drafts of $20 will soon be on the way assuring you of the end of the earth you seek. As a bonus you'll get the official Tellie hat you see at the top left. Don't mind the sweat stains, it just the character you'll need to prove you've paid your dues and have arrived deserving of all the kudos your fellow sailors will surely bestow upon you....Oh and please tell your like minded friends. I'll help them too.
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Old 21-03-2017, 19:59   #72
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Re: CrowdFunding

Geeze folks, when does a reasonable rebuke turn into cruel ridicule?

The kid made a silly statement. He’s seen crowdsourcing work for others, and wondered if it could work for him. We still don’t know if he was suggesting outright begging, or some form of exchange (a la all the other youtubee types). I assume the latter, but even if it was the former, I think the message has been delivered.

Enough of the moralizing.
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Old 21-03-2017, 22:37   #73
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Re: CrowdFunding

Originally Posted by rwidman View Post
... I'll bet I know who you voted for in the last election.
Oral Roberts?

Originally Posted by Mike OReilly View Post
Enough of the moralizing.

Yeah! Let's keep this on-topic, i.e., Speedos and Oral Roberts...(click at your own peril)

All jesting aside, crowdfunding is essentially a medium of exchange. There needs to be perceived value in order to garner support. That value can be extrinsic, such as the afore-mentioned baseball uniforms, or intrinsic, such as the afore-mentioned video production.

Use your imagination and develop something unique that others will value and perhaps you'll garner more than a ticket to race.
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Old 22-03-2017, 02:59   #74
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Re: CrowdFunding

I think youve got to make a fair bit of effort if youre to get any return. Its all work! making videos, taking crew, doing blogs, writing books, making music...
Im about to leave for an undisclosed amount of time. By the time i leave in june ill have meagre savings but if i dont go now it wont happen ever probably. Im a firm believer in not betting on some distant time in the future where there could be more money etc.
I do have an internet based business though which im setting up to an automated system for when theres no internet. For the first 6 months ill have internet.
But on top of my main source of income, ill do anything on route and while cruising.
pick fruit, take crew(i even chartered my lil yacht in syd harbour once and it paid well) making blogs and if i get my album done, ill play a song each night and maybe even sell a CD or 2 here and there.
Once im out of here my expenses diminish drastically. Only really need about $1000 a month. Geez ill probably even save money. I Certainly cannot save a penny living in society. Its just a bloody barrage of incessant bills!
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Old 06-07-2017, 13:41   #75
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Re: CrowdFunding

try and post videos maybe?
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