Lets examine briefly the underbody of an Archer/Atkin style
boat. Long
keel, low freeboard. Some folks look to the Redningskoite double ender heavy
displacement Archer as the example for serious ocean passages involving exposure to real and significant wave size and
weather. What really gets me interested in this is the question of large underbody actually transmitting ocean energy to the vessel and occupants.
Does that long
keel, heavy
displacement, and generally below waterline focus actually present a larger surface for the angry ocean to act upon? Do large swells begin to push this style of design around and off course due to more area to act upon?
When it gets truly hairy on
passage and you are tired, do these designs lie ahull or accept a basic hove to setting with minimal sail, or are we fantasizing here?
Can you really depend on heavy long keel designs to just take over and handle the ocean for you when it gets ugly out there? or does that deep long keel just expose you to more angry ocean random energy attacks?
I see that Macharj (who I respect) seems to look to these older longer heavier types in rough
weather, but I wonder if an expansive underbody exposes the sailor to wave energy?
Does a submarine heavy keeler simply expose you to all that
water movement? does it present a large surface for the angry ocean to act upon and affect? or does it maintain a smooth direct course and dissipate excessive wave energy in a linear, gentle progressive fashion that mellows all of the ocean
water assaults?
I ask these questions out of ignorance, and appeal to those who have experienced both and know what really works
It would seem modern designs
work much better than traditional long heavy keels IF the
boat is actively driven. Lets say I just want to drop sail, and go hide below. can this even be done on a modern design with a deep keel, and high aspect
rudder? can you even lie ahull in these awesome wide stern figero or class 40 style
boats? do they
work even better sitting mid ocean laying ahull?
If I go with the more modern underbody, am I compelled to put on the foulies, and drive that puppy through the whole nasty spell, or can I just make a drink and watch a
movie with
sails struck and
rudder lashed?