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Old 21-12-2013, 22:42   #16
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Re: case of beer for a favor in Annopolis!!!

The OP had mentioned 'back creek' which to me conjured the image of an isolated location. I had been curious so I googled Watergate Village and Back Creek. What I saw is a few small floating docks of what looks like limited access. Of the few boats in the slips I imagine most if not all are attended only infrequently. I would not expect any dockmates in residence. The dock manager is most likely the representative of a corporation of which the principals would desire to avoid responsibility for the property of others. The hands of the dock manager are tied.
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Old 22-12-2013, 10:26   #17
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Re: case of beer for a favor in Annopolis!!!

Originally Posted by Richard5 View Post
The OP had mentioned 'back creek' which to me conjured the image of an isolated location. I had been curious so I googled Watergate Village and Back Creek. What I saw is a few small floating docks of what looks like limited access. Of the few boats in the slips I imagine most if not all are attended only infrequently. I would not expect any dockmates in residence. The dock manager is most likely the representative of a corporation of which the principals would desire to avoid responsibility for the property of others. The hands of the dock manager are tied.
I'm an east coaster and if I were the dock manager or even just another boat owner and happened to notice it, I'd retie or replace the parted dockline after hours when nobody was looking. Then I wouldn't tell anyone if I thought litigation might be an issue. Actually, I'd probably just retie it up just as soon as I was sure it was a problem if I didn't know how to contact the owner. But if you're really worried about litigation, you can always do what needs to be done in an unofficial capacity and then just keep it to yourself. I've saved at least 3 boats by intervening during bad weather, and have never had anyone complain. Two of them were at some risk to myself because it was the middle of the night and it was blowing into the harbor very hard and I was alone.

But that said, I have had a supposedly knowledgeable person "adjust" my lines when my boat was tied up in between 4 pilings, and when the tide/current changed, the boat rubbed against one of the pilings. I planned to have the boat painted the next year and I knew who did it and that he had good intentions, so I didn't make a big deal about it, but I obviously wish he had left well enough alone.
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Old 26-12-2013, 20:50   #18
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Whoa! I sail out of Mystic, Ct., and you couldn't find a friendlier place. Everyone looks after each other, including and especially the marina staff. They walk all of the docks a few times a day, checking and adjusting fenders and lines. They don't worry about liability, they have the right to do so. It's in the contract we sign every year. As for our fellow sailors, I have the phone numbers and emails of almost everyone on my dock, and they have mine. I have cruised the northeast for many years, and found most people up here genuinely warm, friendly, and helpful. Where on Earth do people get their misconceptions about "East coasters"?
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Old 26-12-2013, 22:23   #19
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Re: case of beer for a favor in Annopolis!!!

I live in a community of boaters called Southwestern Yacht Club in San Diego Bay, California. Though there are the usual rich folk and pretentious boors that we all seem to call up in our imaginings, the great majority, especially the liveaboards, have a sense of common ties and personal responsibility for one another. We are also a group that works together for the common good. Independently, we have formed a group called Dockmasters, who keep watch on our individual docks and the associated boats nearby. We have developed an Emergency Procedures manual, collected emergency supplies and equipment, and train one another in how to protect boats from burglary, sinking, fire and storm damage. The local Coast Guard Auxiliary is taking our program national to marinas and other yacht clubs, to folks who value this home-grown emergency response. Our club may be the only place on the planet that has first aid kits (with oxygen tanks) on each dock, emergency boarding ladders, emergency defibrillation units, Coast
Guard P-6 dewatering pumps, oil containment booms, emergency lighting and tools for dealing with the nasty things that can happen at the wrong moments. We have successfully fought serious fires aboard boats, saved several from sinking. rescued members who have fallen in the drink, had heart attacks on their boats, and many other nasty experiences that can happen in this world. If there is anyone interested in making contact and getting their own program set up, we would be happy to assist. Send a PM.
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Old 27-12-2013, 05:54   #20
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Re: case of beer for a favor in Annopolis!!!

Originally Posted by jtsailjt View Post

I'm an east coaster and if I were the dock manager or even just another boat owner and happened to notice it, I'd retie or replace the parted dockline after hours when nobody was looking. Then I wouldn't tell anyone if I thought litigation might be an issue. Actually, I'd probably just retie it up just as soon as I was sure it was a problem if I didn't know how to contact the owner.

That may be pretty close to what really happened. By the time I got up there the next morning to look at Matt's boat, both bow lines were tied, stern lines and one spring we fine.... not much to worry about. One of his springs was too long and I jury rigged that, but otherwise the boat was riding well enough.

Chesapeake Bay, USA.
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Old 27-12-2013, 06:33   #21
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I don't live aboard but I am on my S/V every day. I look after three boats who have weekenders as owners. I met one when he came down to his boat and mentioned I redid his lines after a hard blow loosened everything up and sent his cockpit canvas cover flapping. He was very grateful and asked me how to tie his vessel up properly, just in case. I told him while proper is good, lines and canvas come loose regardless.

Loose halyards clanging....not much worse than that. We do not have many live aboards but I know dock security will board and silence the offending lines. One badged man says the sounds hide criminal activity.
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Old 30-12-2013, 10:10   #22
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Re: case of beer for a favor in Annopolis!!!

For context, Watergate Village on Back Creek Annapolis is an apartment complex with a marina (fixed docks) attached. The management company doesn't really know much about boats. The last real dockmaster left about four years ago. The current "dockmaster" is the resident bookkeeper.

There is little to no traffic on the docks in winter.

It's a decent place with great prices for Annapolis, just don't expect it to be a real marina.

I used to run my business from my boat there and watched after the boats on several docks. Now that I have moved on there really is no one there to look after things year round.
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