Hi Jemsea,
Will you be taking
delivery in MA, then heading up to Wentworth Marina? (Little Harbor?)
During that sail, you will probably encounter many of the initial bugs you want to
work out. Since you'll know what you want to fix when you arrive in Portsmouth, maybe you can fix some items while you're at Wentworth? In Portsmouth, should you rent a car, you will be able to find a West
Marine located on Lafayette Road. There is also a
hardware store (the name escapes me right now) over the
Route 1 bypass bridge in Kittery. They have a huge selection of
marine items at low cost compared to West Marine. Wentworth isn't located near anything... it's not downtown and not very close to things. If you want to be close to the downtown area (and save $$) , try the municipal
dock just to port before the 1st bridge at Prescott Park. The number is: (603) 431-8748. Or... to save
money and be close to sea, Pepperill Cove is good.
The chances of getting a
mooring at Biddeford Pool would be pretty good if you call ahead: (207) 282-0485. If it's packed, you can definitely anchor out in
Wood Island Harbor. Best spot is north-west of the channel heading into Biddeford Pool. This area is well protected during the prevailing SW summer winds, but open to N/NE winds.
Not sure which Broad Cove you are asking about... can you let me know where that is?
But... Richmond Island is good in just about any type of
weather thanks to the fact that there is land to the West, and a seawall separating two harbors (Seal Cove and Richmond Island Harbor). If prevailing SW winds, just
head on in to Seal Cove... this is the ideal situation. In a pinch, if you experience N or E winds, head into Richmond Island Harbor. The place is amazing... very secluded. All nature and few people. But if you end up on the Richmond Island Harbor (south) side, it will be a bit rolly. Just a slight roll in Seal Cove... very slight.
PS: In June, you'll want bug spray, screens, and whatever to keep the bugs out during the "bugging hour" (from about dinner to 9PM - around dusk). There are also no-see-ums that can come in through your screens, so for total comfort, you might want to close all the hatches just after dinner as dusk approaches. Later in the evening, the bugs usually go away.