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Old 06-11-2018, 00:20   #1
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Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

I'm putting together some units for friends with boats, but it got me thinking.... how much would you pay or how much do you think it's worth if it was a commercial solution? Also, what would you want it to do on YOUR boat that I may have missed?

To give you an idea.... solution 1:

- Water resistant outdoor camera with a 5-10 metre power cable to run outside through a hole somewhere (probably not mast mount at this time) and mount at the front or rear (as per the pic)

- Required cables, hardware, timer, modem etc to enable this to work. ie. I give you what you need and 2 wires run out of it, black and red and you connect to your ship power

- Uploads a still image every say 5 minutes to a website which you can log into and view at any time yourself

- Storage of images for 14 days (more by arrangement)

- Great for marina's / unattended boats, mooring or similar

- The SIM card is supplied, but you pay for the data ($150 p/a in Australia on Telstra or $100p/a for Aldi

What do you think this solution would be worth to you, as in, if it arrived and all you had to do was to plug in the red and the black wire and register the SIM card and mount the camera, what would that be worth to you?

On top of the purchase price, how much would you reasonably expect to pay for the storage of your photos and access to the URL to retrieve your photos for say 1 year?


The same as above, except:

- View a live video image of your boat via PC or smart-phone at any time
- Receive push notifications to your phone when movement is detected (not useful for outdoor cameras
- No storage for video

Other options? What would YOU like a system like this to do for you???

eg. a fish-eye type lens

Picture attached is an example camera doing option 1 above.

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Old 06-11-2018, 01:01   #2
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

Take a look at trek transponder, all this and more. No connection, just a happy customer.
Rob aka Uncle Bob Sydney Australia.

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Old 06-11-2018, 01:21   #3
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

Wow, different kettle of fish completely!

I’m taking about something more like $100 !

The guys that seem to be the most interested are the ones that leave their boats for long periods due to work commitments overseas or similar so they can view pictures any time over the web without an app or login.
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Old 06-11-2018, 02:24   #4
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

My imitation Gopro for my bike cost me around $50-00 34 GB, Colour, Takes excellent video's.

My two CCTV cameras for my house were about $40-00 each, 32 GB and record for two weeks then rotate back to the start, Black and white,
They are Infrared and motion activated, Plugs into 240 volts and the PC with a USB cable, They take very clear pictures at 3 am in dark conditions,
I had a stalker,

My two little 34 GB video cameras, size of a Bic lighter, $17-00 each, Battery,
My 34 GB video camera in my sunglasses cost $14-00,

They all can be WIFI and remotely controlled, Remote feedback,
They all came with the fixing and waterproof housings to stick them any where including hanging off my body, House, Motor bike, Boat, Car, Truck, Batterys included,
They all run 34 GB Micro cards, or almost any size you want, Mine had 16 GB but it wasnt a long enough run time for me, So I went for the 34 GB size,

I believe that now some of them are directly linked to your phone, WIFI,

Cheers, Brian,
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Old 06-11-2018, 17:05   #5
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

We have a "Ring - always home" brand front doorbell on our house - works via the home wifi but would be easy enough to deploy via a mobile wifi on the boat.

Not only do you get movement activated video which has already uploaded footage before some cretin can rip it off the wall, but you can also speak to (or holler at) whoever is there in realtime, as if you are right behind the front door (hence "always home").

I have spoken to unidentified individuals from hundreds of Kms away, before they have even reached the door or rung the bell, which can be kinda handy if you want to inform someone that they are being videoed and that the cavalry are already on the way.

Needless to say, you can log into the camera from your smart phone at any time for a looksee at what is going on, without the need for a sensor to be triggered.

This kind of set-up would be great on a boat I would think camera inside sunglasses! I suppose there are lots of legitimate applications for that....I just cant think of any myself
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Old 06-11-2018, 17:23   #6
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

It seems that the op may have been considering trying to bring a 'boat Ring' type system to market by open design via cruisers. Definitely a market for that type of security for 'always onboard'. I would think that Ring doorbell company could bring it to market, and probably have patents that protect the design and usage of such devices.
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Old 06-11-2018, 17:32   #7
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

I use Arlo Pro 2. It does what you are describing.
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Old 06-11-2018, 17:39   #8
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

It seems to me that the “expensive” part of these systems is the cellular internet connection required to make them work in a mooring field without WiFi.... right?
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Old 06-11-2018, 17:41   #9
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

I'm sure it could be a project, but instead of reinventing the wheel why not just buy a Canary or Nest outdoor camera and call it the day?
Canary even comes as LTE enabled if you pay a bit extra and you'll be online anywhere with cell reception.
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Old 06-11-2018, 17:58   #10
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

Originally Posted by mowerandy View Post
We have a "Ring - always home" brand front doorbell on our house - works via the home wifi but would be easy enough to deploy via a mobile wifi on the boat.

Not only do you get movement activated video which has already uploaded footage before some cretin can rip it off the wall, but you can also speak to (or holler at) whoever is there in realtime, as if you are right behind the front door (hence "always home").

I have spoken to unidentified individuals from hundreds of Kms away, before they have even reached the door or rung the bell, which can be kinda handy if you want to inform someone that they are being videoed and that the cavalry are already on the way.

Needless to say, you can log into the camera from your smart phone at any time for a looksee at what is going on, without the need for a sensor to be triggered.

This kind of set-up would be great on a boat I would think camera inside sunglasses! I suppose there are lots of legitimate applications for that....I just cant think of any myself
I ride a motor cycle and am always getting pulled over, Sunglasses record the conversation, So does the small camera on my shirt front,
The Gopro sitting on the front of my bike really does change the attitude of the cops who stop me for a Breatho and licence check,
They dont like it, But it is legal to record the interview,

Cheers, Brian,
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Old 07-11-2018, 02:42   #11
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

Canary appear to charge $10 a month for storage.

So you're up for $200? plus data ($150p/a in Aus) and that's for one camera only. It's up there in terms of price.

I'm looking at cheaper options and I seem to be able to get it down quite low. Sub $100 for a camera and all the equipment, with additional cameras around $50 seems to be a good price-point.

I'm trying to work out the best situation as Australia has unique issues. Most routers and 4G cameras will disconnect from the Telstra network, usually at around 12:30am when works are conducted, which usually happens about twice a month. Only a reboot of the router will resolve it. Sounds easy? well no, not really, because most units have a battery and you can't use a timer. Trying to disconnect the battery is usually not an option and the other issue is that they usually have "soft" power buttons. Quite frustrating.

The other issue is that some systems won't work on 4G like they do on a home WIFI system because Australian ISP's don't use static or even dynamic publicly accessible IP addresses. You can get one from one mob only (usually) and they are around $22 a month minimum.

I need to price something up for the chap / lady with the $10,000 yacht at the local marina.

Of course, this all requires a 12 volt power source with a big enough solar panel. I've got a single camera and 4G running happily on a 20 watt unit at present and I've got 4 cameras running off an 80 watt unit at home quite happily.
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Old 07-11-2018, 02:45   #12
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

Originally Posted by Mr B View Post
I ride a motor cycle and am always getting pulled over, Sunglasses record the conversation, So does the small camera on my shirt front,
The Gopro sitting on the front of my bike really does change the attitude of the cops who stop me for a Breatho and licence check,
They dont like it, But it is legal to record the interview,

Cheers, Brian,
Don't forget Brian, in Victoria they need a valid reason to pull you over and a "random" licence check isn't really a valid reason, unless they have been specifically tasked to do so. You can kick up a fuss if you want, often to your own detriment. The camera is a great idea. My Policing experience taught me that people (on both sides of the camera) usually behave better when they know they are being recorded.
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Old 07-11-2018, 04:50   #13
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

Sounds like you should try a different 4g router if it doesn't recover from an intermittent drop in service.

You have the Wyze cams for $19.99 and they work great with no subscription or anything, no cost besides the camera itself. The cameras APIs are well documented and if you slip a SD card in there you have all the history you need. But at the tenth of the cost you don't get 3g/4g connectivity or a weatherproof design like with Canary.
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Old 07-11-2018, 06:39   #14
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Re: Camera surveilance - what price is fair?

Lots of IP wifi security cameras already available.. Only issue is power and internet...if in a marina shorepower and marina wifi should handle that.

On a mooring, a small inverter and solar panel should do the trick. If outside wifi range, you need a cellular system.
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