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Old 22-06-2016, 06:21   #1
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Bought a coast guard documented what?

So we sail in Apostle islands area mostly and have had some form of registration with my previous boats but this one came from Lake Michigan and was in Illinois when I pick it up and the marina that I bought it from said there was no registration since it was a coast guard documented vessel. We did get the documentation about the CGDV and we filled out the back and sent it in to where it says it should be sent in, got it Notarized. It didnt mention any fees or anything so we just sent it in. Should we receive anything or what is next? Do we need to register the boat in wisconsin also? We do live in Minnesota.
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Old 22-06-2016, 08:42   #2
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Re: Bought a coast guard documented what?

If you go to the USCG documentation center website, on the left is a category called FAQ. Click it and one of the questions it addresses is what is required with an ownership change. It seems they need a new application, payment of fees, and additional documentation (I assume a copy of the bill of sale that substantially comports with their model bill of sale). So I think your application is incomplete at this point.

In addition, if your state requires it, you will need to register the vessel. If you complete the USCG documentation they will send you a confirmation email that everything is received and they are processing your application. Print out that email and take it with you when you go to register. You usually don't have very long to get this done so definitely make haste to get her all legal.

If you have questions about what USCG needs to complete your application, just call them. They are very helpful, if a bit snippy sometimes.
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Old 22-06-2016, 09:33   #3
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Re: Bought a coast guard documented what?

There is a owner transfer fee of $133 for the USCG Documentation, also an annual fee of $25 now (Just changed last year).

Most states use the six month rule... Meaning if your boat is in that state six months a year they want you to register it there.

Depending on if your state (Or the state the boat resides in) requires registration, it is sometimes cheaper to avoid USCG Documentation, unless you are going cruising, then documentation makes sense.

Contact the USCG National Vessel Documentation Center directly here:

USCG National Vessel Documentation Center, Home Page
Tom Jeremiason
Punta Gorda, Florida

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Old 22-06-2016, 09:54   #4
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Re: Bought a coast guard documented what?

I recently went through document transfer back in April and my fees were $92. There were no liens on the boat and that may have decreased the fee. I went online and filled out the document transfer form and also the bill of sale which required a notary. I printed those documents and sent everything via snail mail. They received those forms and the check on 4/25 and I received the new documentation about a week ago. Easy to do.
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Old 22-06-2016, 10:00   #5
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Re: Bought a coast guard documented what?

Originally Posted by TurboTim View Post

We do live in Minnesota.
Tax authorities at the state, and sometimes local level, are the ones you have to register the boat with. As mentioned earlier most states have a minimum amount of time (often six months) the boat has to be in the state for registration/use tax/what ever to be required. Some states also have some type of personal property tax required.

Some states (high tax states like CA, NY, Penn as examples) may think you owe tax/registration if you or the boat has even remote connections to them.

Without knowing where you intend to keep or cruise the boat one can only speculate on tax liability.
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Old 22-06-2016, 10:05   #6
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Re: Bought a coast guard documented what?

Follow up with the CG, there is a fee and you won't get your new documentation without it. They are slow and their systems are massively outdated. Probably why you haven't heard from them yet. They probably haven't looked at your form to determine it wasn't filed correctly. They might get around to it in 3-6 months. When you resubmit, you go to the back of the line.

On the positive side, on the phone they are pleasant and helpful.

You are not allowed to put state registration numbers on a CG documented boat but the states still want their registration fee and you may have to put the annual sticker on your boat.
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