14-06-2015, 10:56
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Boat yards in La Paz
We will be heading to the Sea of Cortez this fall and are in sore need of hauling out for a bottom job and some rigging work. With a beam of nearly 26' our options are limited here in SoCal and as I call around the yards from Santa Barbara to San Diego it is apparent that most are not willing to let people work on their own boats any more. We have a 'no professionals allowed' policy aboard Rum Doxy and do all our own work, so this is a problem. This has led me to think we would be better off waiting until Mexico to haul out. Baja Naval cannot accommodate our beam so I am looking at La Paz as an alternative. It looks like there are 3 options in La Paz, Abaroa Boatyard, Coast Marine Services and Talleres Navales Bercovich. Just wondering if anyone has any info or experience with these yards. Specifically, if they can haul a cat with a 26' beam and if they have a crane to pull and step a mast with.
Gracias a todos!
14-06-2015, 13:49
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
What about Ventura boatyard?
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14-06-2015, 14:18
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Ventura can haul us and are one of the few yards left that allow owners to work on their boats, but they give priority to those who do not. With the oil spill up the coast they are plenty busy and are not optimistic that they would have room for us.
14-06-2015, 17:26
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
I think the spill clean up is pretty much done, at least as far as the vessels are concerned. VBY probably has a few boats to clean, but I wouldn't think it will very long before they're done.
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14-06-2015, 17:33
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Well, unless things have changed for the better in La Paz, and it seems things rarely change for the better in Mexico, the yards in La Paz will charge whatever you'd pay for them to supply the materials and labour to work on your boat; even if all you need is a spot in the yard to do your own work using your own materials.
Good luck.
15-06-2015, 09:20
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
I just had my boat hauled at Ventura Boat Yard. I did all the work. I was treated wonderfully. Prompt attention to all needs. We were also allowed to stay the night onboard with shore power. These people will take care of you.
By far the best boat yard I have ever experienced. Mexico? I don't know. I'm told they think any gringo on a yacht is very wealthy. Good luck.
15-06-2015, 10:57
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
In La Paz only Bercovich could haul a cat that wide and you should email Abel using his website to double check.
15-06-2015, 11:06
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Hauled at the yard next to Marina Palmira several years ago (Cat with 26' beam). Sorry but I don't remember the name. Changed ownership since then and do not know the currenty policy.
Might try to make contact with Club Cruceros de La Paz. Have a lot of info on their web site and can probably make contact with someone who is local there.
If you are going south, the yard at La Cruz (Banderas Bay near Puerto Vallarta) allows anyone to work on the boat. Hauled there last spring for various work by Peter Vargas (used to own Sea Tek rigging in So Cal). He brought in a crane to pull the mast so that can be done there.
The yard only hauls the boat. The yard charges to haul and for "parking". They do no work on boats. Allow independent contractors and owners to work on the boats.
If you have grunt work to do you might want to use Peter's guys (bottom sandiing/stripping, etc. ) as they have breathing rigs, drapes/curtains, etc. Could still do the skill work yourself.
15-06-2015, 11:54
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Abaroa's and Bercovich both have marine ways (rails) that handle 26' beam, i.e. big multis, and they're both reputable work yards. Over the years we've hauled boats and helped haul friends boats at both Abaroa's and Bercovich. Yard space is more limited at Bercovich. Couple weeks ago Coast yards still had boats laying over on each other, damaged in Hurricane Odile, plus no marine ways for wide hulls.
15-06-2015, 18:22
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Thanks for the replies. Looks like the options are Abaroa's or Berkovich's. I've tried to email Berkovich's a couple of times with no luck. Guess we'll just have to show up and see how it goes, or give them a call once we get to Ensenada.
16-06-2015, 16:47
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Try Marina Seca San Carlos Sonora Mexico.
16-06-2015, 21:51
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
At Abaroa's they don't all speak English. Try (612) 122-8915 and they'll give you a cell phone number to call back and talk with someone in the yard who does speak English. Others for Abaroa's: 128-9138, or 103-3251, or 122-2166. Hope that helps.
18-06-2015, 07:26
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Thanks Navigator, I'll give them a try.
18-06-2015, 07:28
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Originally Posted by Michael Hubman
Sadly, Marina Seca no longer has the ability to haul multihulls.
18-06-2015, 07:45
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Re: Boat yards in La Paz
Marina Seca Guaymas in Sonora can haul Cats that wide.They also let you do your own work.Best rates,best place to haul in Mexico,friendly service and English spoken.
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