We are getting ready to order the vinyl
boat name for our
Catalina 25', Chakana, and are getting cold feet! Last night I came up with a second choice 'Cool Change'. Now we can't decide which one. Need to order it soon, please help with your opinion! Here are a few details about the names and why we like each one of them.
Chakana: We eventually want to sail to warmer climates, and dream of seeing the Southern Cross. Our fav. song is Southern Cross (CSN). The symbol of the Chakana represents the southern cross to the Inca Indians, along with many other interesting beliefs they have.
Cool Change: Yesterday was my birthday and Charley got me a necklace with
dolphins and earrings too. We have always loved
dolphins. Last night I was relaxing after a long day, and was watching my favorite YouTube video--Cool Change by Little River Band (it's a must see!!) It's all about dolphins and whales in the ocean. So I suddenly decided that Cool Change is a better name. To us, the
boat represents a change...going from 28 years of raising
kids, to now we're living for us! (last kid moved out 3 weeks ago and his
bed room is now my
SailRite Sewing Room!!)
When we say our boat name is Chakana to people, they usually look at us like we're crazy, never having heard the word, I guess.
However, Charley is a little bit stuck on Chakana. He likes that it's also kind of a combination of our two names, Chuck, and Anna (although he's never gone by Chuck).
Also keep in mind--we are considering a graphic integrated with the name somehow. Of course a Chakana with Chakana, or a dolphin with Cool Change.
Please post your opinion....