I have a Clark SJ30 and I have Full coverage with a 500 deductible with State Farm I have it with a package deal with my auto also full coverage and home owners For all three I pay 96.58 a month. I have had one claim on the boat got stuck in a
wind storm and was swamped with a huge roller coming over the stern. I got lucky and a 50'
Trawler was right at my stern. The guy offered a tow but insisted on a side tie to get me into the channel. That didn't
work when he tried to pull my bow over we were struck by another huge wave I was on the outside with
wind hitting me hard. Next thing my Bow at the pulpit smashed his mid bow area and put a huge dent in his boat my 1 1/2 inch pulpit took the smash bent it a good 6inches to Starboard. at that time I was thinking I don't want anymore Damage and decided to just cut away. I radioed CG and gave position and requested help being in shallow
water. I was at a bad place to be I had a very unexperienced friend with me at the time. I said Hold on and we were tied to the boat with our harness. So I pulled the
jib out and Oh boy was that a rush wind was about 65+ with gusts to 80 I was thinking I was in some serious trouble Nope It turned to the wind like a Ferrari rounding a sharp curve and I scooted across wind and was in deeper
water. I then made a downwind turn and ended up going like a bat out of hell fastest my 30'er had ever gone before we traveled about 3nm to an island I was heading for to get out of the wind on it's back side hoping it would protect me from wind. I got even luckier there were permanent
mooring buoy's there I grabbed one on a coast by tied off but could not restart
engine so I cleaned up the floor of what had fallen on it not much. put on some dry clothes and took a Nap CG arrived about 9hrs later. I secured the Boat and made sure I had her tied good I wasn't paying Boat us the 1500 they wanted to tow me to the Marina about 5nm from where I was My Boat stayed there 6days until the wind was clamed down enough to get back to marina. only cost me 200 for the Tow. we'll contacted Insurance company they said get a quote on the damage fax it to them Damage was 8569.27 they deposited a check in my account in 2 days I was amazed they were so fast. that was a year ago last Oct. My insurance did not go up in coast at all. So having a good insurance company pays off in the long run. I will never change mine they even offered to increase the replacement coats on the boat I have for my Clark SJ 30 replacement of 90,000 the boat new was 32,000 she is fixed now I did the
work myself saved about 7000 she is good as new so I decided to add some more reliable Since then now problems. so the 28 or 30 I pay a month for insurance is well worth it. Jack SV UsCa