I have read a little that cruisers deal with may people with their hand out in port. And that if you do not take care of them bad things can happen. Is this true??
Bad things can always happen. In many
parts of the world there are lots of hands out. It's easy - you just stick it out there and see what happens.
1. As a general
rule plan ahead and don't do things that really are a bad idea.
2. Being nice fills a lot of hands and starts you out with the right idea. Doing just the opposite is your best source of trouble. No one feels sorry for a rich jerk that is insulting. That is true in all
parts of the world. Everyone around the world likes nice people no matter who they are.
3. Criminals don't
work for a living and people that
work are generally honest. It's not 100% here in the US but I think it works better almost everyplace else.
Boat boys are independent business people. It's small world economics. Pay for things you need and don't buy things you don't want.
4. Handing out a little
money now and then can be good or bad. Handing out
money to any one that asks will draw a crowd asking for some too.
5. Knowing who is who matters. Some times how people dress or appear can fool you. Insulting the chief of police's cousin could be a hard time most any place around the world. You really can never tell - See
rule 2.
6. Being nice to most people generates favors, local knowledge, and builds a reputation that you don't have and they do. You can have a good one or a bad one and it's all your option. There are far more of them than there are of you. You may have to come back that way another day and it sure is nice having local friends when you touch land. Make as many as you can!