Location: Meandering about the Gulf of Alaska coast [NNE Pacific]— where the internet doesn't always shine... [Even Elon's...] Homeport: Wrangell Island
Boat: Nauticat 43 [S&S Staysail Ketch]
Posts: 1,802
Re: Best paintable keel smile filler?
If it isn’t structural, Sikaflex 291 is rated for underwater use, bonds tenaciously, and can be sanded and painted after it fully cures…
In case this fits your needs.
Cheers, Bill
__________________ SV Denali Rose
Learning every day- and sharing if I can.
The fast cure 5200 works if it's not that large or deep. You can also use G/flex thickened epoxy. It has just a little bit of flexibility and tends to not open back up if there is a tiny bit of movement. Total boat has something similar. Using micro to thicken it to peanut butter consistency doesn't seem to bother it.