I will be out in Tonga at the end of the year. I am wondering if anyone on this forum is out there and what they think of it and the surrounding areas. I suppose I am most interested in the culture, the feeling of the natives to the "outsiders," and ease of acquiring goods and boat supplies.
Thanks for any advice/recommendations! Hope to see some of you out there!!
It has been many years since I've been to Tonga, so it's probably become a lot easier to get supplies. It's also probably become more westernized (pity). The people are very friendly, but watch out for the fakaleiti. Have fun.
Hi, was wondering if you made it to Tonga, or plan on going ? I will be travelling with my 10 month pld, early november, and am looking for advise on Tonga weather...and if its definatlely on of the Mecas for sailing !
I'm sitting on a mooring in Neiafu right now. You can check out my blog for a bunch of posts on Tonga. Also, if you scroll down on the right there's a bunch of our friends blogs listed. Zen, Follow You Follow Me, Kena, and Honeymoon are all in Tonga or have been in Tonga within the last few weeks.
Send me an email if you've got specific questions!
"I may not have an expensive watch, but I've got the time"
Margie and Drew
--Sailing and travel blog Get Lost On Purpose