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View Poll Results: Which boat name do you like?
Blue Platypus (blue indicating sea, since platypus are freshwater) 21 91.30%
PlatypuSea (007 eat your heart out) 2 8.70%
Blue PlatypuSea (double the sea) 0 0%
Voters: 23. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 01-11-2018, 12:47   #16
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Re: another "need help with a name"

Don't embed words like "Sea" into the name, it's trite, hackneyed and overused.
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Old 01-11-2018, 14:10   #17
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Re: another "need help with a name"

Of those on offer, it would be Blue Platypus for me, too. However, remember that you may have to be spelling the name out phonetically on the radio: bravo, lima, uniform, echo, Papa, lima...... and so on. In an emergency situation it takes a long time. I know our own boat name does not conform, but I think the ideal is a one syllable name, or at least a short one. As suggested above, Blue Nomad(s) might be a good name for the boat, too.

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Old 01-11-2018, 15:15   #18
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Re: another "need help with a name"

In addition to all the very good guidance about boat names and radio etiquette, I'll add another rule:

If the boat name suggested makes 9 year old boys giggle like Bevis and Butthead, it's probably going to make adults roll their eyes and avoid you...
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Old 01-11-2018, 15:25   #19
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Re: another "need help with a name"

Originally Posted by Mr B View Post
I agree with Benz, Your name needs to be clear on the VHF when talking to officialdom,

Mine was Tere Hau Nui, It was a PITA to say over the VHF, Its now just, Mr B,
Tere Hau Nui means plain sailing in Tonga,
And I had to explain it to every one,

I went for Blue Platapus, KISS, Keep it simple Stupid, Hahaha

Platacat also sounds great, With or with out the Blue,

Cheers, Brian,
i been leaning towards one but on fence with it and wondering how much trouble it will bring. FERFEXAYK.
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Old 01-11-2018, 15:47   #20
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Re: another "need help with a name"

We really like boat names that involve a good feeling . Some of the names that we see on boat transoms are just cold and no class.

As mentioned pick what feels good to you....and there are many, many boats with the same names .

Just some other ideas:

Sun Chaser

Snug Harbor

Southern Star

Wave Dancer

Our Dream

I suppose those ideas, are what we would name our boat, so take them with a grain of salt.

Have fun with your project.
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Old 01-11-2018, 15:49   #21
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Re: another "need help with a name"

I suggest that you keep your vessel's name simple, yet also provide for disambiguation.

Truly who can spell Platypus or know exactly what you are even referring to since it is only an English common name of an unusual appearance, egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal, [so hope your boat doesn't closely resemble one such as some double enders] hence once you leave your Aussie speak country, most everyone will ask you WTF?

Instead I recommend that you use the correct and complete order, family, genus and species to avoid any duplication or confusion, especially for ease and clarity when hailing on the VHF frequencies:

Monotremata Orinthorhynchidae Ornithorhynchus anatinus.

Latin being a universal language unlike Aussie.
No potential confusion there.
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Old 01-11-2018, 17:46   #22
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Re: another "need help with a name"

Nothing in the original post (except your Australainness) explains how it came down to those three. None of them work for me, but I don’t judge other people’s choices if it means something important to them.

So, if there’s something about platypus’ (platypii?) that is meaningful to you, go with it, preferably the first one. If the only criterion was “not already taken” then think a while longer.

After going through the same exercise recently, and in particular discarding a lot of choices because they were already registered (I, II, III and IV), we finally found a name that means something to us and is relevant to the provenance of the boat. Took a while and a lot of discussion but was worth it.
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Old 01-11-2018, 19:21   #23
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Re: another "need help with a name"

The Australian rules for naming of a vessel and the choice of hailing port are narrower than those of the USA.

Australian rules:

Proposed ship’s name
Names that may not be approved are:
• names that are the same as or similar to names of
registered ships or of ships about to be registered,
• blasphemous or otherwise offensive names,
• names of members of the Royal family,
• names that falsely suggest a connection with the Royal
family, or international, national, state or local
government bodies,
• names that include prefixes capable of indicating a type
of ship (e.g. MV, FV, SS).

Proposed home port
The presently approved home ports are:
NSW: Sydney, Newcastle, Port Kembla, Yamba, Jervis Bay,
Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens.
VIC: Melbourne, Geelong, Portland.
QLD: Abell Point, Brisbane, Bundaberg, Cairns, Gladstone,
Hamilton Is., Hayman Is., Karumba, Mackay,
Maryborough, Mooloolaba, Mourilyan, Port Douglas,
Rockhampton, Rosslyn Bay, Southport, Townsville.
SA: Port Adelaide, Kingston, Goolwa, Wallaroo. Port
WA: Broome, Fremantle, Dampier, Port Hedland.
TAS: Hobart, Burnie, Devonport, Launceston.
NT: Darwin, Gove Harbour.
Other home ports may be declared by the Australian
Maritime Safety Authority upon application.


In the USA one does not need to have a unique name and the hailing port just needs to be a place that is listed in the Department of Commerce publication 55DC which is a very comprehensive list of places in the USA.

USCG: The application for documentation must include a name for the vessel composed of letters of the Latin alphabet or Arabic or Roman numerals and may not exceed 33 characters. The name may not be identical, actually or phonetically, to any word or words used to solicit assistance at sea; may not contain or be phonetically identical to obscene, indecent, or profane language, or to racial or ethnic epithets. The name can be the same or similar to any other documented vessel.

The hailing port must be a place in the United States included
in the U.S. Department of Commerce's Federal Information Processing
Standards Publication 55DC. This publication list includes incorporated places [cities and townships], census designated places (CDPs), primary county divisions, recognized Indian reservations, and Alaska Native villages and counties. The listing also includes unincorporated places, military bases, national parks, airports, and ground transportation points. It is very, very long, covering pretty much ever place in the USA and US territories, it includes many public and private universities, colleges and schools, buildings, cemeteries, churches, dams, hospitals, as well as mountains, hills, quarries, rivers, buttes, creeks, coulees, marshes, valleys, towns, cities, parks, etc. The vast majority of the places are NOT "ports", navigable or otherwise.
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Old 01-11-2018, 19:46   #24
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Re: another "need help with a name"

I would be careful with anything that sounds like “pat a pussy” on the VHF...
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Old 02-11-2018, 18:33   #25
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Re: another "need help with a name"

I think al of those names are OK--I like to be subtle--with a view to storms and worn thin patience--

Or'ny Thor In Cuss?

You can make it any colour you like.
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Old 02-11-2018, 18:47   #26
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Re: another "need help with a name"

Originally Posted by powsmias View Post
i been leaning towards one but on fence with it and wondering how much trouble it will bring. FERFEXAYK.
Perhaps amusing to consider, but if you ever want to request help from any authorities, it will make you "stupid" to them. We once had to handle some emergency medical traffic on the ham radio, and it took Jim a lot of precious time to convince the relay station that the name "UPYURS" was legitimate. The lady on the radio pronounced it, "You Pie Rus," but when the radio operator wrote it down following phonetic spelling, he was very much not amused. I'm thinking it had lost being amusing quite some while before, or she would have responded "Up yours."

In a funny quirk of fate, the US Coast Guard dropped the medicine to the vessel, and the guy's life was saved, and the boat showed up for sale on CF.

At any rate, a long-to-spell phonetically name can, for sure, slow an emergency response.

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Old 04-11-2018, 06:10   #27
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Re: another "need help with a name"

Thank you everyone. It's clear that the winner from those three, at 21:2, is Blue Platypus.

But we've also heard what you have said about names, so we are also thinking of other iconic Australian things/animals that mean something to us as well as (possibly) something to the rest of the world.

Another liked one is Blue Emu, written as Blu Emu or Blue mu.
Symbolically, the Emu is a flightless bird (we are a power boat), has two legs (catamaran), lays blue eggs (a redundant blue?), is fast (well, perhaps us ).
Written as the alternate Blue mu, the mu refers to the Egyptian and Phoenician word for water, in chemistry it relates to a bridging ligand which connects two metal centers (did I mention catamaran? Oh, and it's an aluminium catamaran...), and of course I'm not asking anything in this sentence because the answer would also be mu (see references in Buddhism, Gödel, Escher, Bach, etc.).

I wouldn't know which of the spellings to actually register her under though, and be formal. Probably the first full spelling version, although the last has many possibilities for play!
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Old 04-11-2018, 06:12   #28
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Re: another "need help with a name"

I like Blue Mu
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