I'm not someone who is normally impressed with records or "first attempts" in sailing. Without the context of knowing something about the sailor, these don't do a lot for me: First American alone around Cape Horn. One time
record holder for fastest solo
circumnavigation in a
monohull. Most (perhaps) overall non-racing/non-sponsored circumnavigations than any other sailor.
But linking the above to a complicated personality like Webb Chiles adds a ton of intrigue. I've always been fascinated by Webb's voyages and perspectives. I've been following along recently on his website as he prepares for a sixth
circumnavigation and thought it might be a good time to pick his brain for more perspective. What materialized is an interview I posted on my website here:
"An Artist of Words, Wind and Women - An interview w/ Webb Chiles"
Anyone else enjoy Webb's writing and plan to follow his journal during his next big voyage?