Leaving aside the issue that my tongue was, and remains, reasonably firmly in my cheek...
I will take your claims as to the location of the next AC under advisement. Nevertheless, if the Arab Kiwis do manage to pull off what will be an against the odds victory, then, shortly thereafter, when the announcment comes that the next AC will be based out of Dubai, just remember where you read it first!
I don't know why the rules are as they are Wheels (strangely enough, they didn't invite me to sit on the Rules Committee). Nevetheless, the rules say (and have always said, as far as I know) that the sailor must be of the nationality of the nation of the entry. I'm sure that Brad Butterworh, Ed Baird et al. (and even Russel Coutts last time around) didn't fill in applications for Swiss citizenship because they liked the
weather or the climate. Personally, I couldn't give a flying phuque at a rolling doughnut whether there are nationality restrictions, but, given that there are (and long have been), it would seem reasonable to enforce them, no? Of course, the Swiss Kiwis are obeying the strict letter of the law, but are they following the spirit of the law? In a sport that prides itself on some sort of Corinthian ethos, it is not the latter that ought to be more important? Furthermore, it was not so long ago that the rules not only restricted the crew's nationality, but also the boat's "nationality" insofar as the boat and all
parts therein had to be built in the country of the challenging nation. i.e the boat, rig, fittings and all the
sails had to be built in that country, although it is a rather poorly guarded secret that this
rule used to get bent seven ways from sunday back in the day ... in fact the
spinnaker flown by the Aussie boat on the day it
lost the AC was an "illegal" one that was made in the
USA (but you didn't hear that from me).
To be honest wheels, I like to stir the pot, but I don't actually have any paticular axe to grind (if you will excuse the horrible mixed metaphor). I am enjoying this particular AC because:
a) It is both relatively competitive on the
water (but I still think Alinghi has an edge in speed, particularly upwind and particularly in the 10+ knots breezes), but also
b) Because it is proving to be such a "circus" off the
water too
I hope that the Arab Kiwis win, but only because my boss offered me a bet of 2 bottles of good Tasmanian red wine for me if NZ wins against 1 bottle for him if the Swiss win... other than that, I just hope it is good