We want to replace our aging Yuasa #24
batteries. They are 8 yrs old almost to the day and although they seem fine the total bank of 8 with a capacity of 100 ah each, declines overnight from fully charged as indicated by our Link 10
monitor to 12.4 volts with a
consumption of only 50 ah.
Other than that drop in voltage we are not having any problems. The marina where we are located does not have
power on the docks and we keep up with our daily demand with
solar power only. The
engine starts immediately and we do not need to use it for
charging.This daily use includes a fridge, all fans in this hot place, lights,
computers (internet) and frequent use of power tools as we prepare GAIA for the sea after completing a
circumnavigation with the identical setup. Of course as everyone knows
Florida is a sunny place!
As we are planning a lengthy stay in the
Bahamas this
winter we think it might be prudent to replace them here in the USofA, (Port LaBelle Florida)
We would like to replace them with the identical
battery but Yuasa no longer makes it and besides I am having trouble finding a source that sells Yuasa
Does anyone have equally satisfying experience with another manufacturer?
Although we plan on selling GAIA somehow somewhere this
winter it would be nice to hand her over with a bank of batteries that will last for an equally long time.