Originally Posted by snupspangler
Thank you Greg,
I appreciate your response as it has made me see that I have not been as accurate as I could have been. I have the $10,000 and 3 years of time and possibly $10,000 more to put into her. I will say that I am a very handy craftsman and I will make the inside to suit my needs so I am more concerned with the overall handling/rigging/size.
Greg, what is your favorite cruiser under 35'?
If you are handy, you should be able to do it no doubt in my mind. There are tonnes of good solid
Boat out there to be had for very little
money particular if less then 30 ft. Of course you have to do your own homework and Brokers and Surveyors are basically out.
Took me a very long time to find the right Yacht and in the end I bought 10ft longer and spend twice the
money for the
purchase then what I had intendet. I am still fixing all the little and many things I did not like. Well as I said one has to be handy to get it the way one really wants it but for myself it is really fun to get her ready for the
bluewater cruise.
With tenacity and a bit of Good Luck, you will find her.