I see this subject here a lot and will post this.
I have been out here in the
Caribbean 13 years. Yea I know others have been longer.
I have to have "spots" removed from my skin regular. My wife has a
medical condition requiring constant medication.
I have had these spots removed in a number of country s. In Roatan a lady dermatologist removed about 7 for $65.00 using liquid nitrogen. One of my favorite ways. In
Cartagena a very nice gentleman remove 5 using the most modern and least painless method to date. A laser with a tv
camera and special lights mounted in a hand held device. $60.00 In the Rio Dulcie a lady doctor removed 1 with acid. My least favorite for $10.00. In
Martinique a lady doctor removed 1 with nitrogen for $20.00.
In St Thomas USVI I had one removed for $470.00. I payed $152.00 thanks to medicare. The doctor used an
electric device to cut around it then grabbed it and tore it off my face. He is not my favorite one.
My wifes meds cost $30.00 to $60.00 per month in the US 13 years ago. The test etc. to get the prescription for just 3 months worth is about $200.00. Out here it cost from $6.00 to $15.00 per month and no test required. We do get her checked every so often. In
Guatemala city at the teaching hospital run by a major US university it cost $18.00 total and they emailed us the results.
What is my point. If you are coming out here and do not have some sort of serious
medical condition do not worry so much. I have had better care out here in some places than in the states. The teaching hospitals are great and are now running "medical travel" deals for people living in the states who can not aford what they need in the states. Many of the doctors out here are trained in the states or
Columbia which has good medical schools. They take more time with you so may get a better diagnoses. As always talk to the other cruisers and you can find a good doctor most places within a reasonable distance.
One last thing. Getting care in the states is not always the best. We have a friend who fell off a
dock in Fl and cut herself bad. It was infected bad due to the pollution in the marina. The Fl doctor gave her meds that did nothing. The
Bahamas doc the same. Finally the doc in Luperon DR cured it right up. He sees this all the time and knows what to do.