Originally Posted by Kenomac
I decided to post this video after reading a recent thread about how few women seem to take the helm..... <snip>
My wife rarely takes the
helm when we're sailing. It's almost always otto. But she can
dock the
boat better than me.
(storytime. Those that are annoyed by anecdotes stop reading)
Came in yesterday. Nice day, just went out whalewatching and saw a ton of whales. She informed me I was deckmonkey and she took the helm for return and
docking. She has the absolutely uncanny ability to spin the boat on it's
keel a perfect 90 degrees and be lined up with the slip.
Docking was a thing of beauty. She's very good. Our boat has a 10'6" beam and the slip is maybe 11'6". She doesn't even graze the edges. And all the dodging of kayaks, paddleboarders, and jetskis was effortless when she's helming.
There's no reason that females shouldn't drive the damn boat. I've sailed for 30 years and she's better at the helm than I am.
Oh, and awesome video Kenomac. Looked like fun.