Don't know why you think early July is not the best time of year, the
weather is great in Bimini and other than the possibility of thunderstorms, you should be fine.
Regarding current channel info, Intentional Drifter gave some excellent information in this post
There IS certainly enough room in the channel to turn a sailboat of 33' with a 4.5'
draft. Just remember the significant
danger in the case of a strong onshore
marinas are all decent (at least the ones I've been to), it's a question of
price and (relative) privacy. I prefer the ones closest to the channel, just for time savings. These days (ie, in the downturn), I don't even bother with a reservation, although I suspect that sooner or later I will regret it. Regarding
customs, etc, Noonsite is probably your best bet for current information, but in any case, the dockmaster WILL come to your
boat, and will give you the procedures.
Have fun. Hoping to get across next week myself...pete