Well as it turns out, the
wind will be in the perfect direction (S becoming SW) for a crossing this weekend. However, seas are
forecast to be 5-7'
offshore, with 20-25kt winds. As it turns out, I've never made the crossing with
wind that strong from the S/SW. I'm curious as to the experience of others in these conditions in the Gulfstream. I've gone across twice in winds of that speed (or higher) from the NW in one case and the NE in another, and I wouldn't take this particular "crew" across in those conditions. In this case, however, it would be a beam-to-broad reach, and 5-7', if they're not stacked up or breaking, might not be so bad. Seems like it could actually be quite a nice (i.e., interesting, fast) trip, but I would like to hear from anyone else who has gone across in these conditions. Thanks much! pete