Ponce de Leon Inlet, New Smyrna Beach, FL.
We hear many people refer to the inlet as "The Dreaded Ponce" as there is shoaling at the
ICW junction as well as the inlet itself. We've never had a problem until yesterday.
1 hour after high, G-7a we found a 5 1/2' spot. (We draw 5 1/2" and we hit, thus...)
We used this inlet in the spring and 1 hour after low we saw no problems...this time was different. G-7a was nicely to stbd there it should be, granted there was a trememndous amount of recreational (Bubba Basshole and Waverunners galore) traffic and the
wind had swapped to E-NE in the last hour so it was a bit rough but nothing out of the ordinary.
If you use Ponce, stay close on to the rock jetty to the N and it seems the Red 1/3 of the channel has the most