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Old 26-05-2021, 05:09   #1
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NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

Hello forum. We are planning our sail south from NYC to Ft Lauderdale in October. Before, we have always headed south offshore in one long sail. But thinking we might like to take our time this time so we can leave NY before the NE storms, but not get to Fl before November.

Any thoughts and experience on good places to stop off on the East Coast on the way down. No ICW as we are 75' high and 7.5 draft. We are thinking of going NYC to Chesapeake in one jump, unless you all tell us that Atlantic City or similar is not to be missed! What about points further south? Don't need to stop every night, but we do want to break the trip into three or four legs.

Thanks forum!
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Old 26-05-2021, 07:03   #2
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

Have not looked at this in detail as my clearances are suitable for the ICW but can add a couple of comments.

If weather window doesn't work all the way from NY to Chesapeake then there are a couple of good places to anchor off of Lewes DE.

Charleston SC is accessible and a nice stop. Good restaurants but take care docking at any of the marinas as the tidal currents can hit 3 kts. I learned this the hard way, fortunately without mishap beyond a change of underwear.

Norfolk is an option with fuel, marinas, anchorages and restaurants available but a few miles out of the way if you're headed south.

Several other similar stops that are a several miles off the ocean but offer a rest stop. Savannah, Brunswick, Jacksonville come to mind.
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Old 26-05-2021, 07:17   #3
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

IMO there's nothing on the Jersey coast that's worth seeing.

I deeply enjoyed 2 months of hopping around the Chesapeake. If you have time to explore, there's no end to the fun coves, creeks, and towns you can see. Annapolis is also very much worth a stop, and might not even be too crowded in October.

Charleston is a fun town with an easy inlet, but the anchorages aren't great. I'd recommend paying the premium for a night or two on the Safe Harbor marina. It has the best access to downtown, which is the real reason to stop at all.

St Augustine is another favorite of mine. You can anchor before the first bridge if you don't want to time the openings. It's another spot with lots of current so be aware if you decide to dock.

Beyond those, my recommendations might include Beaufort, NC, and Georgetown, SC. Smaller towns, but very cute. I enjoyed Fernandina, FL as well, though that may have been more about the company than the destination.
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Old 26-05-2021, 07:18   #4
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

We considered SB along the coast in 2016. Close inspection showed very few places our draft and 80 ft mast could find safe harbor. Also, wind is in your face mostly. We joined the Salty Dawgs Rally and sailed Chesapeake to Virgin Gorda 01 November. The NB return in May is generally lower wind and behind the beam.
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Old 26-05-2021, 09:12   #5
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

One other comment. Made the trip early October one year and it was shorts and t-shirts all the way. Made the trip in 2019 and we froze our butts off until we got to Moorehead City. Also had to hole up two or three times waiting out strong nor'easters.
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Old 26-05-2021, 09:17   #6
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

Interesting thread! While I have nothing to add, I am in a similar boat (no pun intended) as my Catalina 470 has a 68ft air draft and 7'10" water draft - makes for fun times in Florida and the Bahamas. Currently live aboard in South Florida, but plan to cruise the US East Coast in the near future. This thread can provide some valuable intel...

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
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Old 26-05-2021, 09:17   #7
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

Over my favorite I can say:
- Skip New jersey, sail direct from NY to the Chesapeake, via Delaware (no stop) and C&D canal,
- Annapolis, especially during the fall boat show,
- Norfolk, visiting the Navy installation,
- Beaufort NC,
- Beaufort SC, but a few hours from the inlet,
- Same inlet as Fernandina, I would not skip Cumberland Island.
- Saint Augustine...
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Old 26-05-2021, 09:20   #8
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

> Atlantic Highlands, NJ

> Anchorage of Refuge by Lewes in the Delaware, or if winds are from the east, behind Cape May and enjoy the nature trails.

> Chesepeake bay, I usually anchor by Northfolk and skip hatteras via ICW to Beafourt, NC.. you would be going around.
> Beaufort is a cute town (a little too touristy and sailor unfriendly lately), with an excellent museum and nautical library and some nice bars and restaurants. Good place to rest and pick a weather window.
> Charleston has the nicest entrance to the bay on the east coast, town is pretty and a lovely walk. You can anchor just south of the marinas on the west side and dinghy in.
> St.Augustine is nice, but not crazy about the inlet entrance.

> West Palm has great anchoring and is a fun town.

This should brake the trip down into shorter hops.

Fair winds.
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Old 26-05-2021, 09:24   #9
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

I'd advocate for Wilmington NC. It's well up the Cape Fear River, with the air draft you require. Transient slips are affordable and the lively downtown is completely walkable.

Great "off the beaten path" location, will be one of the highlights of your trip
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Old 26-05-2021, 09:48   #10
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

Originally Posted by Emouchet View Post
Over my favorite I can say:
- Skip New jersey, sail direct from NY to the Chesapeake, via Delaware (no stop) and C&D canal,
- Annapolis, especially during the fall boat show,
- Norfolk, visiting the Navy installation,
- Beaufort NC,
- Beaufort SC, but a few hours from the inlet,
- Same inlet as Fernandina, I would not skip Cumberland Island.
- Saint Augustine...
We've done the ICW probably 25 times as well as a number of trips from the Chesapeake to New England, etc. This is a pretty good itinerary! You can anchor at Chesapeake City on the C&D. It looks tight on the charts but we've never had a problem. Annapolis is a nice stop as is St. Michaels on the Eastern shore of MD. If you want to go 100 miles out of your way, you can sail up the Potomac and anchor right off Washington DC for some touring of the Capitol. Norfolk is nice before jumping offshore to get around Cape Hatteras to Beaufort, NC. Lots of nice stuff to see in Charleston too. Lots of good advice in this thread. Weather can be variable, from cold as hell to shorts & t-shirts. Take your time and smell the roses!
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Old 26-05-2021, 09:59   #11
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

Cape May NJ is a nice stop before going up the Delaware Bay. It's not typical jersey shore.. Victorian houses, etc. Anchor near coast guard station.

Annapolis if doing the Chesapeake

Hampton to wait for weather before going around Hatteras. Also Portsmouth/Norfolk is nice just a few miles south. Free museums. lots to do. Anchor just north of Tidewater Marina... this is a little out of the way but still good to wait for weather.

Beaufort NC, just after rounding Hatteras.

Wrightsville... Deep water entrance with anchorage close to Masonboro inlet. Nice 'vacation' town with waterfront restaurants, etc.

Charleston. Fort Sumter, historic tours, shopping, dinning... anchor across from or dock at the Charleston city dock.

St. Augustine. oldest city in the USA. lots of history, forts, lighthouse, etc.
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Old 26-05-2021, 11:32   #12
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

On the C&D you might have trouble getting into Chesapeake City due to shoaling. You can get a slip at Schaeffers on the canal and have a decent meal there. You could hit Baltimore if you have the time. Then Annapolis. St. Michaels, Solomons Island? and down to Hampton or Norfolk.
Say hi when you get to Annapolis. Joel Atlantis
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Old 26-05-2021, 11:47   #13
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

I usually stop at Atlantic City and anchor near the bridge. The next leg will be Cape May unless the tide and weather are fair for continuing through the C&D canal. The first stop in the Chesapeake for me is the Sassafrass River entrance which is wide open at night, with good anchorages on the weather shores a mile or two upriver.

Timing of your trip down the Chesapeake will depend on how cold it is getting. Annapolis moorings are good, then ancoring in Solomons and Fishing Bay. Another favorite is Cape Lookout Bight, an all weather anchorage that avoids the currents in Beaufort. Then its off to Charleston and St Augustine.
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Old 26-05-2021, 12:12   #14
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

Remember it is late hurricane season.
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Old 26-05-2021, 13:27   #15
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Re: NYC to FT Lauderdale in October

We agree that Cape May is worth a stop. Eat at the Mad Batter on Jackson St.
Really exceptional Victorian buildings.

Sadly, with your mast height, you can't go through the Cape May Canal, so you would have to swing well south of the Cape due to shoaling before you head up Delaware Bay to traverse the C&D canal into the northern Chesapeake.

Recommended in the Chesapeake:

1. Chestertown - a ways up the river, but a very pretty river;

2. St. Michaels - not as busy with tourists in October;

3. Easton - also up a gorgeous river. Old houses on the river date as far back as 1630 or so.

4. Oxford - moor right off the beach and dinghy in.

The above are all on the Eastern Shore.

A final suggestion would be a stop at Tangier Island. Not much there but that's the point of it all. Local families go back 400 years. After that, you can provision at Crisfield on the mainland before you head out to the Atlantic at Cape Charles.

If you like blue claw crabs, they're big and fat in October and there are crab houses in most larger towns.

October and June are my favorite months in that wonderful bay. Enjoy it, I envy you (our home port is now in Maine).

Jenn & Terry
Northeast Harbor, Maine; Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia
North Conway, New Hampshire
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