09-07-2008, 09:41
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Regarding your trip south by sailboat--Did you consider taking part of the trip this summer and laying the boat up for the winter then flying or rental car to return home? Due to my wife's work schedule, I have had her fly into and out of various airports when I take a long trip.
11-07-2008, 10:27
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Actually, we were just going to move it one way or another to our home in FL. Due to some medical issues, everything was put on hold for a while. My wife will be retiring and if life goes on smoothly, we won't have any time restrictions except my mother-in-law, who is 90 and lives with us. Don't think she can make the trip, and 3's a crowd on 28'. We've got time to consider our plans, and thanks to this forum, we've got lots to work with.
11-07-2008, 10:30
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Wish you the best. I understand your situation.
22-11-2008, 10:27
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New York to Florida 5 days, 3 hours Non-Stop
November 2008, Myself with a crew of 3 total 4 guys, sailing Black Diamond, a 2008, Jeanneau 39i Performance sloop from the Statue of Liberty to Jacksonville Florida, in exactly 5 days 3 hours non-stop.
I am not saying that you should try it, but if you are interested I have the full account, with photos and details on my blog Blogging aboard Black Diamond!
Average speed was 7.5 knots, top speed sailing 10 knots, surfing swells at 13.5 knots, sailed through a 36 hour tropical depression, doldrums, dolphins, warships and fishing fleets.
Check it out Blogging aboard Black Diamond!
22-11-2008, 11:12
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What a big difference between Chuck´s and Paul´s, i2fro´s answers.
I don´t want to be argumentative Mr Chuck, I have completely browsed BOTH of your sides and I am aware you sailed more than 17 years but your feedback to craigo did not bring anything proactive or constructive. I thinks forums are to gain collaborative knowledge.
Thank you
11-12-2008, 14:54
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I wonder how craigo would pay for the boat (truck) transport to FL if he's looking for donations.
Is he really expecting us to contribute?
I'm looking at a very nice Valiant 42 for about 250 K. Do you think I could get this forum to pay it?
11-12-2008, 15:09
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Originally Posted by Soft Air
What a big difference between Chuck´s and Paul´s, i2fro´s answers.
I don´t want to be argumentative Mr Chuck, I have completely browsed BOTH of your sides and I am aware you sailed more than 17 years but your feedback to craigo did not bring anything proactive or constructive. I thinks forums are to gain collaborative knowledge.
Thank you
The other great thing about this forum is that we are all entitled to our opinions.
11-12-2008, 17:26
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I would do the NJ coast outside...Sandy hook to Cape May is about 24 hours..
If you go inside from there...figure another 2 days to Annapolis.
I've done Annapolis to Jacksonville in 9 days. Going outside at the Cape Fear and Back in at the St Johns River ( about 35 hours outside) This offshore stretch was done in the fall with a 20 plus knots of wind from the north and 6-8 foot following seas.
I would not want to be beating into wind and sea on that run with only 2 unless there was a big payday at the end of the trip....staying inside though, makes it a much longer trip. Two weeks is doable, but there's not a lot of room for bad weather or mishaps. If I'm making a trip like this, I don't do alot of tacking. If I can't make 5 knots in the direction I need to go, the engine comes on and I motor sail.
I'd be curious to know what percentage of time other cruisers find that they end up motor sailing to make a port on some kind of schedule. I'm guessing that it can be 50% or more of the time.
11-12-2008, 17:53
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Sounds like it would be a really cool trip, if you had alot more time. I was thinking mybe it would be better to truck it down, time it so they leave ahead of you, fly down there to meet them when they get there, then you would have your two weeks to sail around fl. some while your there, just a thought. Best of luck on what ever you decide.
24-01-2009, 15:36
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Update, Black Diamond has now completed 6 weeks of cruising in the Bahamas. I am in the process of updating my blog at Blogging aboard Black Diamond!.
Look forward to seeing some of you folks on my blog....
14-02-2009, 23:04
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Others have provided plenty of sound advice... I just wanted to suggest to you to see if you can have a couple of helpers to steer the boat if you choose the inside approach..
Being a singlehander with a six ft draft, I hate the ICW because it is so unforgiving. You have to constantly "drive" the boat - except for occasional the stoppages for fuel, etc, you get no time to rest. I sailed Layla from Narragenset Bay (w/ help) to Norfolk in July and continued (singlehanded) down to FL in late November. Took the ICW until Beaufort, NC and sailed on the outside from there. For me, the outside sail was much more relaxing and enjoyable...
Good luck!
17-05-2009, 10:36
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Update on Black Diamond
Black Diamond on its way back to Toronto from Florida. Just completed the race from Fort Lauderdale to Charleston is 2 days and 7 hours with hardly any wind, just flowing up the Gulf stream.
Then Charleston to New York City with No Wind, Motored the whole way, except for one night we hit 47 knots, 20 foot seas, and surfed our way with a top speed of 19.5 knots of boat speed, with just a storm jib out. Wild!!
Made it to NYC in 5 days, could have done it 3 if we had wind for all the days.
For more details. Blogging aboard Black Diamond!
I am now going up the Hudson to Toronto, will update the last few posts with pics when I get back.
17-05-2009, 11:08
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Couple of things that haven't been mentioned. Prevailing winds during summer most of way are se. During winter you can do legs outside following the passage of cold fronts and make great distances in an overnighter or two. Then duck back inside when the wind dies or starts its clockwise rotation. That way you motor inside, sail outside. One thing I have to mention, twice on way up this year along coast I came up on boats anchored fishing with no lights on. The first time I didn't have the radar on! When I was about twenty yards from collision they turn their lights on, they had the nerve to start shouting obscenities then turned their lights off as soon as I got by. Makes you wonder.
17-05-2009, 11:15
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Crazy Fishermen
Ya, I had similar experiences....I was sailing on a constant course for hours, and this recreational fishing boat could see me on a steady course for hours towards him. He was not anchored, just motoring around, fishing with one of those kits, that fly in the air, and bob the lure in the water. He was all over the place and could have easily avoided me. But presisted on a collision course with me. With my racing experience, and accustomed to coming close, I decided to play chicken with him, and stayed my course. I came close to him, my mast was 10 feet from hitting his kite, but I knew it would have been fine.
He started swearing at me too.....I guess I deserved it, but I figured he was in a motor boat and could have jsut beared off a bit easier then me.
P.S. If you have the fuel, I would rather Motor on the outside then inside. I motored all the way to Atlantic City from Charleston and still had 1/4 of tank, refueled and motored to NYC. If you are on tight schedule, its far faster and less stressful. If you have time, enjoy the tourist traps on the inside.
17-05-2009, 14:24
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"One thing I have to mention, twice on way up this year along coast I came up on boats anchored fishing with no lights on. "
Actually, both DHS and the USCG have been running public awareness programs ASKING MARINES TO REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY. Including boats that are running blacked out, or don't appear to know what they are doing. "Vessel dead in the water, no lights, no communications" might get them a fast visit from any available local resources. Which these days apparently includes domestic UAVs.
Pass the karma, please. Wanna supersize that? <G>
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