Having a second hand on board, even someone with no experience, will make a much, much easier trip. Like you ask, what if you need to go to the bathroom or fix lunch.
You can stop a boat at sea by heaving to. There are already threads on the forum discussing this. But some things would be very difficult to do alone for someone with little experience on a boat. Just to have someone steer while you check the
charts is a huge help.
Another suggestion, you ask where to stop on the way. You should not even think about making the trip if you can't read the
charts and plan the trip by yourself. What if you have an itinerary that someone on the forum gives you and
weather or other issues force a change. If you can't read the charts and understand the process you will be up a certain creek without a paddle trying to figure out what to do.
So why not go ahead and get the charts and appropriate guide books, plan the trip, note potential spots to pull in and post your plan for critique?