Received from LakeSuperior (Bill)
Cruisers & Sailing Forums - View Profile: LakeSuperior
Salve Marina, Crosshaven, County Cork
Ireland, July 5, 2010, Lat 51 48.31 Lon 08
Well, we finally made it across the Atlantic!! 19 days and 3 hours. We washed up yesterday, July 4th, here in Crosshaven,
Ireland instead of Oban,
Everyone is healthy and the
boat is fine.
The story behind the arrival in Ireland is that a series of storms forced us to stay on the 45 parallel until we were only about 300 miles from
Spain. We then turned north on the heels of a gigantic storm force low and headed directly north to here.
We actually left
Halifax on June 15 as we had to delay several days to let storm go by. So in the course of 19 days 4 lows total passed us. We spent some amount of time not moving directly to our
destination so that we would be in a favorable position with respect to these powerful low pressure regions. As a consequence we had a fairly comfortable crossing. We weathered two minor gales (gale force is 35 knots of wind) in total and they were both short lived.
Spent all day
cleaning the
boat today. Will get out a more complete description of the trip in the next couple days.