Ok, this is the 2nd time I've found that I've been missing a stretch of
I have downloaded *all* ENCs available from NOAA for the
East Coast of the United States. This comes in a package you can select as "all ENCs."
Well, "all ENC's" doesn't include the Intracoastal Waterway.
This would be OK if I had crew and could spend most of the trip outside. Since I dont have crew and need to sleep, I am stuck inlet hopping or in cases where the
ICW is a shorter distance than the ocean, inside.
So... I've been downloading some BSB/Raster
charts from NOAA along the way which apparently *do* include the Intracoastal. Every time I think I have them all, I end up missing a patch and scrambling to find a chart when they run out on me. This happened yesterday, and I had to go about 10 miles without a chart at all showing depths and hazzards before I could find the right one.
QUESTION: Does anyone have a list of *all* the chart numbers of the Intracoastal waterway? I cannot find this list online and I don't know what the hell "Casino Creek" is, so I wouldn't know to look for a chart that says "Casino Creek to Cape Fear" for instance. That particular chart doesn't have the words "Intracoastal" or "Waterway" in it, so how would I ever find it? (I do have that one already, but need to prepare for the others past Cape Fear and on to Virginia, Delaware and Jersey). Where can I find a list of all chart numbers?