The unrest has made us aware of our surroundings, but has not had a direct impact. We do keep our
boat fueled and full of
food just in case we have to cut and run, but so far nothing even the slightest bit threating politically has happened. Most Locals love the Gringos (good word here) and treat us very well.
We had friends stay during the strikes and referendum a few years back and the only thing they felt was the same thing that everyone felt. All supplies and travel cutoff in country. No-one felt it was personally dangerous.
Many cruisers leave there
boat here for long term
storage and fly home. We have decided that we will not. Not because we fear for our property, but we are afraid that if we leave and it the rhetoric between the US and Ven gets worse we may not be premitted to re-enter the country to get our boat and leave.
Leaving without proper clearance is not much of an issue. The French islands do not care where you came from or even if you have clearance papers. For free they will stamp you into the country.
There is a downside of being here. Venezuela is being discovered! Trinidad is losing so much business that the owner of Peakes came to talk with the
Marinas here to get them to raise the rates on slip, work, etc to reduce the flow from Trindad as more discover Venezuela and get over the old
history of problems.
Our opinion of Trinidad is a differnet story as a H hole and a safe place to stay.