You could go to Lucaya. Nice beach, hotels,
shopping, casino. But that Whitby42 will cost you $300 bucks to get in. West End/Old Bahama Bay is another option.Thinking out loud here's a possibility....
Day1- Leave Lauderdale at around midnight and
head for the Memory rock waypoint northwest of West End Grand Bahama. You will arrive on the banks at daylight and proceed directly to Great
sale Cay arriving mid afternoon.
Anchor for the night.
Day2 -
Head to Spanish Cay and check in...enjoy a meal and explore.
Day3-4-5-Explore the northwest Abacos...from Green Turtle, Majack, Allans
Pensacola, Cooperstown etc. positioning for arrival back at Great
Sale on Day 6.
Day 7...sail back off the banks and head to points north with Ft. Pierce being the best place to check back into the states and a good all
weather inlet. can head out of Morraine Cay channel and north to a further off landfall if you feel comfortable at sea for a few days. Since the
boat is new to you...suggest that before attempting any of this you be sure she has good
fuel system and is "shaken down" before departing as there are almost NO
boat services in this area of the Abacos...(Green Turtle is the closest). Congrats on your new home...they are great cruising
Of course this assumes good
weather but that is likely in May and it doesn't sound like you have a strict schedule.