Think seriously about Speedoo's
advice regarding size!
I own a
Hunter 30 and it is a great boat for a singlehander, a bit cramped for a husband and wife sharing the v-berth, but next to impossible for an extra one or two persons.
I know, "guys" can adapt to just about anything. NOT!! When you want to sit up reading your book, but you have to drop the table so Charlie has a place to sleep, you will soon grow tired of the arrangement. Please note that I didn't mention using the quarter-berth for Charlie's
bed. With two or more persons aboard, it's already full of
gear, dive bags, you name it.
I suggest you think about
purchasing a larger boat if you plan to bring a couple of your buddies along for the
cruise. Get it surveyed before
buying and be prepared to replace failing systems before venturing
offshore. Try to cut corners and Mother Nature will bite your butt for sure, usually at the worst time and in a place where good
repair facilities are few and far between.
Finally, RT also offers some good
advice. Set your sights on the Bahamas before worrying about heading further south. Many of us visited the Bahamas and never felt a need to tackle the "Thorny Path".
Good luck!