I plan on staying in Baranoha for a bit unless it is not a good place. Need to do some
work on the
boat, getting ready to sail to
Canada for the summer. May move to Salinas after a bit...too soon to tell.
Re Ile a Vache: No need to go to mainland or clear in here. The restaurant at the resort is ridiculous expensive, locals tell me $37 for buffet with tip. local is better. Eat at Jean Jean's , lobster or conch $12,
beer is $2 all over. Do make the market at Madame Bernard, hike there, about an hour or 2. If you find too much produce too bring back, take a local
boat back, 100 goud,
money can be changed there. Rate is 1USD = 40 goud.
Internet cafe on the beach, $2/hr and cold
beer available. You will be besieged by locals on arrival, usually 1st one to your boat gets to be your guide/worker. I used Mckendy (brother of owner of
internet cafe) and a youngster named Corby, found them to be reliable. Replaced all the bamboo in my
rigging and refueled with there help.
Fuel is $5 gallon, plus
delivery, found it to be clean when I run it through the
baja filter.This is a place like no other in the
Caribbean, more like
Africa. Look me up if you see me, I am sailing for Baranoha tomorrow.