My intent was not to encourage anyone to
head down south, or do anything "illegal".....merely to pass along information. The
Customs supervisor I talked to was in Ft. Lauderdale. I completely agree with Osirissail's post about a
Newbie vying to make a name for himself, and that it is somewhat of a gamble.
I do agree that
Key West might not be a good choice to reenter the U.S due to their long and checkered
history with their neighbors to the south. As a side note, the Customs agent did mention that if you returned via the
Bahamas (or any other country), quite often the agents don't ask you every country you've been to (although they are required to), only where you are returning from. That certainly isn't lying, as he stated (not my words, his.)
Again, please don't misconstrue this post as encouragement. I simply thought that it was interesting.