Ok, I searched long and hard for the best
DIY yard all the way from Northern
Florida to Norther
North Carolina. I found it!!
I would highly suggest anyone on the
ICW in need of doing their own
bottom paint, making
repairs, or any
haul out at all go to:
Core Creek Road
Beaufort, NC 28516
Adams Core Creek
Canal heading North out of Beaufort/Morehead City - it's right on the
ICW before a high rise bridge)
The yard was as good as it gets. Here's what they did that others from FL to NC don't:
*Hauled my
boat the same day I asked if they could do it
*Didn't do anything wrong at all hauling, blocking and relaunching - good workers
*Has a COURTESY CAR! I was able to provision, get
parts, etc... with the car
*Has showers,
laundry, free local
phone service
*Has sand blasting area, place to put your used
engine oil
*The owner is an excellent guy. Very nice, cares about boaters and cares about you getting the
project done. Is very helpful and flexible, so BE NICE TO HIM.

*You can do any and all
repairs here - welding,
bottom paint, whatever... they are very happy to have you do all the
work on your own
*Well stocked ship's store. Prices were better than local West
Marine on many items. Has bottom
paint, zincs, etc... etc...
$8.50 per foot for haul, pressure wash, block and re-launch.
$1/ft/day to stay
on the hard working on your boat. Includes everything, like the courtesy car and stuff.
Highly suggest going to this place if you are on the ICW and need to fix your boat, but don't want to pay some jerkyard to do the
work you know you can do yourself.