Bill & Eric,
thanks for the information. I'm trying to gather as much info as possible and it becomes a little overwelming at times.
I do have the 403 chart, found it yesterday in a book store of all places. In addition, the
charts I have for
Bermuda specify to stay well clear of the North,West, and South coasts, and to make landfall from the East. It states that if approaching from the North or NW, use the headings as you describe, however, if coming from the West, stay south of SW Breaker until parallel to to Gibbs Hill light before tacking to the NE along the
east coast up to the Narrows and Town Cutinto St. Georges. This seems logical to me since making landfall in
Bermuda is only a
safety valve as I plan on turning south at 65 degrees. I appreciate the knowlege you share from your experience. 12 trips is quite an accomplishment.