Look at the back of your bank card to see which
network you're on, then call or check online for ATM locations at your destinations.
Cirrus: tel. 800/424-7787
Welcome to MasterCard Worldwide
PLUS: tel. 800/843-7587
Visa Global Gateway
Know your personal identification number (PIN) and your daily withdrawal limit. Ask your card carrier if your
current PIN works in the
Bahamas, particularly in the Out Islands. Every card is different, but some need a four-digit, rather than a six-digit, PIN to withdraw cash abroad.
Some banks and credit card companies recommend that you notify them of any impending trip abroad so they don't become suspicious when the card is used in a foreign
destination and your charges are blocked. If you don't call in advance, you can always call the card's toll-free
emergency number if a charge is refused -- a good reason to carry the
phone number with you.
Scotia Bank ATM Locations (Bahamas):
ATM Locations