You did not say if you were chartering vs cruising with your own
boat. If chartering, there will be a small
fees added for Cruising Tax, National Park fee & Search/Rescue fee.
As far as charges for
anchoring, No. There are restricted areas designed to protect coral/seabed (National Park areas) ie; the Baths. In that case, 1st come 1st served "free"
mooring balls are provided.
In other popular areas (and others), ie; Virgin Gorda & Norman Is, there are large
Mooring ball fields where
fees are collected privately. ie; Bitter End Yacht club. Yet there are areas on the edges of these fields or places nearby that you can
anchor for free.
If you have particular islands/sights/bars that you plan to visit, just tag on & I'm sure the gang here can fill in specific details.