I saw her first

You got any dates / months in mind? and any must see / wanna see places or countries?
As everyone knows

, Old_Jersey is an island just off the North end of
France......So, not as hot & sunny as the
Med in the summer, but we have our moments

. On an island 9 x 5 in miles, albeit with 100k plus of people, it ain't exactly "exciting", but that is part of it's attraction (I have done "exciting"

). On the upside you won't need to bring a gun, bear spray, or an axe to greet any Pirates

. For visitors I reckon a week before it gets too boring

. .....I would therefore call a visit to DOJ_Land more of a brief diversion than a
destination to plan a trip to
Europe around!
Would be happy to offer you a berth onboard, the main catch is that you would need to be self sufficient and self entertaining as me very sensibly lives ashore

. No guarantee on any sailing

, but a fair chance. If you are comfortable with motorbikes might even include a run through
France (Paris for Lunch?

All strictly on a "no monkey business" basis - am firmly on the "why not?" end of life, plus I have a large Karma deficit to fill from a past life
