Perhaps I do see the relevance of the original post.
Each time I sail I run a gauntlet of those sworn to "protect and serve". Boarding to check my poo-poo
pump out valve is locked. Boardings by
Fish & Wildlife, local Sheriffs patrols, Local police, Homeland
Security, Coast Guard - all wanting to know where I'm going, what I'm doing and check my "papers" ala 1939
Germany. All this in the "land of the free"......
Perhaps the relevance lies in the knee jerk reaction of governments to every incident by some miscreant mutt. More laws - more
regulations - more surveillance - less personal dignity and freedom.
Hey Boatman61. Get ready to show your tired old bod to the X-ray machines and maybe get a good grope (sorry - no drink first or even a kiss) when you
head back home. Remember what your Mum told you about always wearing clean underwear!!