Thank you'll for the input!
Got my Greek moments yesterday and today. To be fair, yesterday was a Greek hollyday I had not expected.
As EU boat you need a DEKPA and a TEPAI payd before they (port police) even think of clearing you in.
Greeks love Odysseus and the Odyssey, and they love to entertain and share their passion about tricky challenges.
First of all was to find the CENTRAL TAX OFFICE by giving the prospects a nebulous direction like "somewhere in the center of the town, there is a theater nearby" and look in
Google... Asking our way through, we visited the nice town of Kerkira, and finally found it,
Google was not much of a help either, he led us to the central post office instead.
Anyway, take a number and wait for you turn... At the counter a nice young man started to enter all the data from your passport and eventually asks for your father's name and mother's name. To make it a little more exciting, when finished the questions he told me, the computer / server got a problem and cannot process the form. He recommended going to town for a coffee and come back in 20 minutes or a few hours later, maybe then it's working again. No need to line up, just come to the counter... After a coffee, German 10 minutes later, the counter was still there, but the young man had disappeared, so take a number...
Finally the sheet of paper was printed. You need to pay 50EUR for it , of course somewhere in the town, a bank or pos office would be fine. Fortunately in the quarter nearby there are 10 banks, easy task we thought... All banks have double gates, yo must push a button, enter the first door, close it, push button, open the second door, get in... Very crowded inside, running gag in Greece : get a number an queu up... Ours was 275, the counter shows 32, so plenty of time.. Well, we got out of the bank, there are 9 more around... Finally we get lots of numbers and found one, that gave us the 169, by processing number 112. It was the closest one and we waited paciently for 2 hours to pay the 50 bucks, plus 2 bucks for processing. They also do a quizz at the bank for enjoyment, they ask for your mobile
phone number, just in case the transaction is rejected by the other bank with the tax office account. To make it more fun, the
phone number with country code is too long for the input field in the system. So I told him, he can keep the change, in case the transaction is rejected... After a quick signature, we got the payment confirmation.
Next step is the ETEPAI. You must enter a lot of useless information, face several challenges, including, mothers name, fathers name,
email addresses, mmsi numbers, call signs, overcome the database of registered home
ports and many more until at the end of the quizz you have to hit the final save button... And here it comes: UNEXPECTED ERROR.
So try again... Asking at the tax office, they told me, we can pay it at the port police, they have manual forms... The port police refuses to do anything about it, they do not have any forms and do not collect
taxes. There is no Hotline nor any contact information fot the ETEPAI. They also told us, all the Greeks use this server for their
taxes, and it is frequently overloaded, so try again late at night or so.. I had to bit on my tongue to not comment on Greeks and taxes at this moment... After some arguments, a
power outage and a shift change they suggested to go to an
internet coffee to try it again. Same result.
Then they got a list of agents with phone numbers ...
Called the agent, the nearest was across the street 300 m away.
50 Euro for the agent and 10 minutes later we had the ETEPAI paid by the agent with his bank account, they know how to trick the system... The agent could even had saved us the whole journey to the tax office, there is a online application for the Dekpa too and he could pay it online as well.
Finally back at the port police you pay 15 EUR for the document they produce (by hand) and you are welcomed finally for cruising...
advice, go straight to the agent, before even going to the harbor police. It is worth the 50 bucks!