I've come to the same conclusion that Morski describes, and this is what I see a lot of
boats using. The best arrangement I've found re: low cost and simple modification is the style of ladder
USA sailors will find in Home Depot.
Fiberglass rails,
aluminum straps & rails, and removing half the ladder provides the platform into which you can slot and fasten wooden ply
panels. Better yet, you can disassemble the whole thing when crossing the Atlantic or sailing down Biscay to get to the Med in the first place; fiberglass rails stapped on
deck with the
aluminum bits and ply
panels stowed in a locker.
Having said all that, what we've ended up doing that has worked well to date is a simple stainless ladder designed to hang off our
anchor on the bow roller. These are made to match various anchors and include a retaining pin and a locking cable, so that it doesn't disappear. Length to suit, depending on freeboard. This of course requires we moor bow to when Med mooring...but an aft
cabin that would be too close to the quayside traffic, an open
companionway, and a
tender wind vane hanging off the transom are all reasons bow-to berthing is preferred in our case. (We also don't need to back into a slot while dealing with a side wind!)