Some conflicting suggestions already! But IMHO you'd struggle to do Balearics and return in a week, and I'd agree with the first response in that local
anchorages Med side of Gib or over in N
Africa are few and far between.
We've only visited
Morocco by
ferry but others have reported Smir as being good. Professional and safe. Ceuta just like a regualr Spanish marina but obviously with Morocco just five minutes drvie over the border. Tangier not the best place to try and spend a night with a boat if it is a romantic relaxed time you're looking for.
But if you're up for looking westward from Gib - then the coast twix Gib and Cadiz has several anchorage areas behind small islands, up rivers etc, and not many other
charter boats crowd these out.
And certainly further west from Cadiz there are rivers and lagoons you can anchor in up to and beyond the Spanish / Portuguese border.
The lagoons off Faro are peaceful, calm and romantic - but get busy with locals weekends. Midweek beach BBQ's where you'd not be distrubed are just a short swim ashore to the sand island which protects the
Cadiz itself is really a not to miss place for stunning architecture, busy squares full of locals, and more atmosphere than you could ask for. Several
marinas to choose from.
If you do take this westward option then I suggest you'll get more from the week relaxing if you preplan to do complete an overnight straight run back from the Algarve to Gib.
We've done this several times and provided you get
weather and tides right it means you can whoosh into the straights with 10+ knots SOG.
Spain and Gib to the left, the Atlas Mountains of N
Africa to the right.
So hope you enjoy whatever you decide.
Sail safe.