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Old 09-03-2010, 06:35   #1
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Best Places to Anchor - Marmaris to Datca

A few more questions to those experienced sailors of the Turkish coast. What locations are the most beautiful along the way from Marmaris to Datca? During May which locations are usually less crowded for a relaxing time? What about the safest locations along the way in case of strong winds?
thanks in advance
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Old 10-03-2010, 08:05   #2
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You have so many wonderfull spots that it is very difficult to answer. May is a very good period (the best in my point of view) and it is not crowded. But, you know, a mooring location is not good or not in itself, it depends on the weather conditions. So the best, i Think, is to buy the Imray Guide (Imray nautical charts and nautical books from Imray, Admiralty Charts and pilots for sailing navigation from Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson Ltd Turkish Waters Pilot. You will find any information you need for each location. As a mooring is concerned, the mos important is to know if it is "good holding" (for the anchor) or not. For example, Imray gives these informations for quite each cove of the coast !
Have a good sail vacation in your splendid country.
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Old 10-03-2010, 12:05   #3
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Hi Memch,
Agree with Jacques - go get the Imray pilot book - good info.
Best location for me is inside the gulf at Orhaniye - tucked up close by the small Sunsail Marina you'll find gloriously muddy bottom ideal for riding out strong winds.
Worst location unless you go into the small restaurant jetty and tie up, is Dirsek. It look an ideal bay - but I've watched many yachts drfit out to sea dragging anchors across its rocky bottom...........
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Old 19-04-2010, 13:58   #4
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Few Lovely spots on the way

We really liked Buzburon (sp?) very nice small town, lots of boat building. Don't miss Knidos, a very special place.

Fair Winds and Beam Reaches, john
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Old 24-04-2010, 23:17   #5
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There are many great places to see. As others have said, Orhaniye and Buzburun are excellent, as are Dirsek, Symi, Panormitis, Rhodos Serce Limani and Bozukale. But these are only the ones around the gulf Hisaronu.

If you click on this charter website Turkey Yacht Charter, Sail Boat and Bareboat sailing holidays in Turkey – Map they have a google map with photos of all the places.

You could also try
Panoramio - Photos of the World
for loads of photos of the places you should visit.

Many people miss out the eastern end of the Gulf of Gokova as there are few anchorages enroute, don't its beautiful.

Enjoy your cruise
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Old 25-04-2010, 02:00   #6
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When I asked this question on another forum, asking people's favorite anchorages on the South Coast of England, I got a few answers to the effect of -- if I told you, these places would get more crowded, so [buzz] off. Followed some time later by lots of very helpful suggestions.

But we are much friendlier around here.

My favorite place in the area you are talking about, and maybe my favorite anchorage anywhere, is Knidos, at the tip of the Dacha peninsula. Don't miss it.

But as others have said, the whole coast is incredibly beautiful, and besides that easy to sail (you don't need a chart plotter, and hardly need a depth sounder -- navigate and pilot by sight, there are almost no hazards).

The only disappointment I had was getting run out of Palamut by unwelcoming local fishemen when I tried to take refuge in a storm; ended up spending a sleepless night anchored off a lee shore in open water in a blow.

If you go a little further around, there are many joys in the Bay of Gokova, starting, of course, with lovely Bodrum. Don't miss the dramatic bay of Akbuk, if you get that far, lined with tall mountains and nearly empty all the time. The tourist trap of Cleopatra's Island is worth a miss, at least in summer when it full of tripper boats 24/7.

P.S. Some of the places mentioned by the previous poster are in Greece -- Simi and Rhodes, for example. It is a huge PITA to clear out of Turkey and into Greece, and not worth it if you are only on a week or two cruise, IMHO.
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Old 09-05-2010, 02:39   #7
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Its about a week before our trip, thank you all in advance for your suggestions. I got the Imray book, and it will not only be very helpful for this trip but for the future as well.
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