We currently have Pettit's 60% antifouling - it was perfect for west Atlantic and Caribbean. For us Micron CSC was absolutely terrible for those waters.
Now we're in the Med and soon we'll be redoing the paint. What antifouling are you the happiest with IN THE MED?
The slime here looks different from North American slime...
in greece over the yrs I have used Micron extra , 3coats of primecon and 2 coats of micron extra with a third coat from water line down 3ft and am getting 2 1/2 seasons but have found also by leaving yacht on the hard for 3 months before going back into water i get better results 95% of charter yachts use blakes and only just get a season and also so they spray on of which i wont do but friends have gone to jotun and are getting good results
We sailed over in 2013 from the Carib -- before we left we painted with Sea Hawk TBT and extra TBT -- we are full time liveaboards and the boat is in the water year round. We got 3 years out of our Sea Hawk and as I write this we are on the hard - we sanded and put on a primer and will put on 2 coats of Micron 77 with 3 coats on the waterline and all the leading edges. We hope to get 2 years out of it.
And we sail a lot with over 2,000nm in the last 3 years in the Med and plan on 2,500nm this coming summer.
just our thoughts and opinions
chuck and svsoulmates
Somewhere in the Eastern Caribbean