A puzzling query :-)!
Since you are clearly in the UK - on the south coast no less - why would you wish to buy a
boat in Norway, only to keep it long term in Italy? Is there something you've not yet told us?
If it's the
Med and the
Adriatic you want to sail, why not buy a
boat there, since
English, German and Scowegian designs are plentiful there? Even French and Dutch?
If it the
west coast of
Europe you want to sail, do start with staying in the Solent for now and
work up to the Channel by and by as you gain enuff experience to do so. By your own admission you do not yet have that. Teaching yourself off Hastings doesn't seem to me to be a good idea.
But if you really, really want to become a seafaring man, the first thing you should do is skive off down the street a little ways and visit these people:
They give lessons. They make sailing opportunities available to you before you blow a packet on owning a boat. They certify you so you can rent boat wherever you list.
Beyond that, we, in this forum, are both able and willing to help you attain your goal.
Your last but one paragraph is the
classic, naïve landlubber's view how to keep yourself safe at sea. Such a view needs amending. And it is NOT a good idea to try to become a sailorman all on you own bottoms!
All the best!