There are six yards in a row on the north end of Aegena. Four routinely deal with larger (>10m) visiting vessels. You'll see them listed on the Aegina paragraph of the Athens & East Peloponnese page on my web site. It's easy to find - just
google "jimb aegina" and the page usually pops up at the top of the list.
What you won't see, unless you subscribe to the site (free, takes less that a minute) is a detailed description and comparison of all 6 yards written by Wim, a very reliable Dutch yacht
service supplier to all the yards.
There are two "Asprakis" yards - and you have to be very clear about which one you're negotiating with. 4 brothers with differences of opinion about how to run things split the original yard into two.
It's a very Greek story . . . not as bad as the Messolonghi tale.
But remakably similar to the Brexit story . . .